Don't you just hate it when people say....?


Well-known member

I have had it with people that say these things to me. They just don't
understand. It's not that simple. Me being myself is the guy that goes home from work and plays with model trains. "Going out", what ever that means , would be me "not being me". I'd be like a fish out of water. I'd be a scared little bunny rabbit sitting in the corner. I go alone. I'm "there" alone and I come home alone. Nothing ever seems to change. Even my parents just don't get my problem. You guys must understand what this is like.? It's so hellish being at the dinner table and
having someone say, "why don't you have any girlfriends"?. I guess they don't even realize I don't have any friends at all and never really been on a date before. I have no friends to introduce me to other people, so I'm stuck at zero. I don't know how to "brake the ice". If someone comes up and says something to me, all I can do is mumble a few simple words like "okay" or "yea". I'm so angree and disapointed with myself. What does "going out" mean anyway?? Say, if I were to go out...out where?...I just don't get it.

If you read all this, thank you very much. I realize I strayed from my own topic somewhat, but there is so much stuff I need to learn. I'd like your help too. thanks if you can help. :) :!:


Well-known member
I hate when people ask me "whats wrong" because I can't answer. I can't tell them about my issues.


Well-known member
I hate all those. But the one I absolutely can't stand is "Everybody feels that way!" Yeah, so I guess I'm just a wimp then that can't handle it :roll:


Active member
i hate "why are you so quiet?" i usually make up some bullshit answer like "im tired"


Well-known member
I've been asked all that before too. I hate it. :evil: :roll: Stupid outgoing people. They just don't understand, and never will. I wish they had to experience what we do, just for one day. :x


Well I get that allot. Why are you so quiet or something like that :)
Its strange that I can sit like for 5h saying nothing just watching out of window and others cant :). I usually say just like "I dont have nothing to say"


Well-known member
Yeah, it is annoying. My brother wants me to be an exact socializer like him, and talk like crazy, but I'm just not. Trying to meet new people is fine, but for some reason... I just can't be my true complete self infront of any of them. I dont know why, maybe there's just sooo much insecurity inside me. I HATE IT!


Well-known member
I hate it when people ask "Are you deaf?" like being quiet means you must be deaf.
And I hate it when people yell in my face and tell me that I must learn to communicate or I'll have to put up with people laughing at me all my life.....and I felt like a feral because I swore so I edited this


Well-known member
asdf said:
i hate "why are you so quiet?" i usually make up some bullshit answer like "im tired"

lol. I said the exact same thing when someone told me "say something."


Well-known member
i'm pretty fed up of all that too...and the annoying thing is, it seems to be only my few friends who say that to me, everyone else ignores me which is fine :D

"hey, we really need to get you to talk more" and "you never talk" (thanks....)

grr...but the worst thing for me is "DUDE, JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!" and "WOULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN?!".. said in a joking manner when i'm not talking or just listening to them... that just conpletely silences my silence. what do you say to that? 'but i do talk' . you cant win. they seem to do it in crowded places like on trains or cafes etc. when i feel particularly anxious already with all those people, it really doesnt help when you think that they are thiningi'm like tagging along with these unhelpful friends of mine..its really not like that, i value my actualy friends, but people can be so unsensitive sometimes...

what they dont get is that i'm trying to talk, preparing myself for my next weak sentence, until they remind me i cant concentration goes, and they've screwed up my day again... :(


Well-known member
Yeah I hate crap like that, especially at High School used to really tick me off. I remember one time they were doing a joke prize giving and they gave me an award for most talkative person in class, oh how I laughed at that one.


Well-known member

I guess they want you to go places more, as in say coffee shops, malls, museums or galleries, theaters, go biking or rollerblading to the park or go to a bar (although that last one has the potential of getting really depressing... drinking on your own, so scratch that one!).

But even if you don't have anyone to go out with - you can still go somewhere to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea or a piece of artwork or two... or even get some exercise. After all if you want to meet some people you have to in a sense "meet them half way" - get out of your house.

But the annoying part is actually starting a conversation with someone or having a witty and engaging response ready if someone were to approach you... And yet other people do it somehow... I don't understand how years of observing others interact has hardly had any impact on our social handicap. :?

But I'm sure that in an equation where there is us minus the anxiety is equal to a perfectly sociable person. It's this anxiety that completely overpowers our ability to think of anything else but of our insecurities during a sociable moment. Supposedly you "break the ice" with a joke. And I have no problems with humour, but it's not exactly the first thing of my mind when I find myself in a social situation.

That's as far as I can help... (Hopefully I did just a leetle bit :oops: )

P.S. also a great line: "SMILE!!!!" being heard from a passerby or a stranger and then they just stare at you until you stretch your mouth from ear to ear - I really don't get it what is it with people and needing to see a fake smile from someone they've just forced to do so.


Well-known member
Yeah I hate crap like that, especially at High School used to really tick me off. I remember one time they were doing a joke prize giving and they gave me an award for most talkative person in class, oh how I laughed at that one.

I got the same thing, except they called it the "cone of silence award" and said it was for being the same as that cartoon character called Daria :oops:


How about..."Cheer Up" ... and I want to respond shut the f up. These questions and statemens come from people who are either, ignorant, or f ing assholes who are trying to dig you.
Its their way of saying I dont like how you are so change now! It it were only that easy.

But my all-time favorite is when men tell me just to smile :x . I will then give them one hell of a dirty look. I'll smile when I am happy not just to please some man.


How about..."Cheer Up" ... and I want to respond shut the f up. These questions and statemens come from people who are either, ignorant, or f ing assholes who are trying to dig you.
Its their way of saying I dont like how you are so change now! It it were only that easy.

But my all-time favorite is when men tell me just to smile :x . I will then give them one hell of a dirty look. I'll smile when I am happy not just to please some man.


How about..."Cheer Up" ... and I want to respond shut the f up. These questions and statemens come from people who are either, ignorant, or f ing assholes who are trying to dig you.
Its their way of saying I dont like how you are so change now! It it were only that easy.

But my all-time favorite is when men tell me just to smile :x . I will then give them one hell of a dirty look. I'll smile when I am happy not just to please some man.