DON'T YOU HATE IT WHEN PPL..................................

Think that anxiety is just a mental phase and that it will dissapear on its own and that you can control it. I met this girl online who i told her about it and she's like change it, stop caring so much about what ppl have to say about you...yeah as if it was that EASY. Then she goes on saying that she "had anxiety" and her bf that she never met in person and is in the army cured her anxiety. WTF!!! If it was that easy then my bf would had cured my anxiety as well. It clearly means that she never really experienced anxiety the way we feel it so why is she acting as if its my fault and as if i can get rid of it and be happy just like that. I hate it how ppl think anxiety is just a harmless problem BECAUSE ITS NOT. It is more than that, somedays i want to kill myself, the next minute i am happy, the next minute i see a person and i get so anxious that i am almost cyring, the next second i want to be lock up in the house, the next second i am so tired and confused, the next hour i wish i hadn't been born exct...exct


Well-known member
Most people are zombies. They walk through life following other people and just absorbing influences from their surroundings. They don't think with their own minds they are thick and they wont be able to understand no matter how much you explain. I have learnt not to talk to people about deep things it just bounces off them.


Well-known member
My mom and sister both do this. Neither of them have SA, in fact both of them are really out going. Both of them just tell me to get over it just call, people, invite poeple to do things, and that if I just tried I'd get better. They don't realize it's no where near that simple. My sister has gotten a little better about not telling me to just get over it b/c I told her about some of my extreamly irrational fears and now she thinks I'm crazy, great.


Yup... everyone else has hit the nail on the head... :( and the thing with alot of people... if you have somthing... they have to go one step better than you.So most likley this girl was trying to make herself sound good by saying she had anxiety but got over it...

Try not to let it get to you,so many people on this planet are drama queens and if you had said you had a tough childhood or whatever... she would of had a worse time.Its blatantly obvious she hasnt had serious anxiety and wasnt talking out of her mouth... if her supposed bf was able to miraculously cure it from far away 8O some people just arnt content even if they have a good life...

Ayway you sound really down again :( i sent you a mm not sure if you got it... but managed to call the doctor yet? I really think you should,your not getting the support you need or a break from all the pressure.. i really think talking to someone who actualy has a bit of an idea and can maybe point you in the right direction to getting better will do you the world of good.

Hang on in there

Yeah i am feeling down, when the time comes and i have to call i have no energy or desire to do so. Then in my mind i am like if i can get help, i will be better...I swear i will call MONDAY!!. If i don't call, shoot ME!!
livingnsilence said:
My mom and sister both do this. Neither of them have SA, in fact both of them are really out going. Both of them just tell me to get over it just call, people, invite poeple to do things, and that if I just tried I'd get better. They don't realize it's no where near that simple. My sister has gotten a little better about not telling me to just get over it b/c I told her about some of my extreamly irrational fears and now she thinks I'm crazy, great.

Awful isn't it? People just think that we are being dramatic. I wish it was more simple!!!!!!


Active member
Please do me a favour, dont even bother trying to explain SA to others, they just dont understand at all. The best way i explained it to my mum was "When someone is just about to commit suicide and jump off that building, they get the urge to not do it and get very nervous, i get that feeling when in social situations", didnt work, and people on the net have said the usual "just snap out of it and go speak to her" etc. It is pretty annoying, I like to say its like a person with skitzophrenia, if it was as simple as them to just tell there body not to hallucinate or see weird things, the problem wouldnt exist

hulkamaniak said:
Please do me a favour, dont even bother trying to explain SA to others, they just dont understand at all. The best way i explained it to my mum was "When someone is just about to commit suicide and jump off that building, they get the urge to not do it and get very nervous, i get that feeling when in social situations", didnt work, and people on the net have said the usual "just snap out of it and go speak to her" etc. It is pretty annoying, I like to say its like a person with skitzophrenia, if it was as simple as them to just tell there body not to hallucinate or see weird things, the problem wouldnt exist

Oh don't worry i learned my lesson. No one that knows me in person knows that i have this..not my parents(they will call me crazy)...not my sister( she will call me dramatic)....not my friends(they wouldn't take it seriously nor care)....


Well-known member
the reason people do it

The reason people say things like "Just snap out of it and relax in social situations" is because those who never dealt with SA don't understand it, and those who HAVE overcome it forget how hard it was to overcome it. Their lives are so transformed and easier without SA that they literally can't imagine the complicated soup of emotions and anxiety they used to carry with them.

Overcoming SA was not only the most difficult challenge I've ever faced, it took the greatest effort I've ever put into anything.

...BUT...those people who offer simplistic advice, as crazy as it may seem, are actually right. The solutions to most things in life are simple - they are not complicated. The complications are caused by our own difficulties with change, anxiety, fear, worthiness, and in extreme cases, chemical imbalance.

Its kind of like skiing - when you edge up to the top of an intimidating ski slope. You look out over the top of the hill and see the crazy, challenging, steep, perilous slope beyond. You're filled with anxiety, resistance, terror, etc. But as soon as you take off down the slope, you FORGET what it was like to start and become really focused on the wild ride down, because your focus is necessary for your SURVIVAL. You literally CANT remember the anxiety at the beginning of the journey. Once you're down and everything went ok, you can't even remember the fear at the top. You become transformed by having taken journey and your abilities have reached a new threshhold of tolerance for fear & anxiety.


Re: ..

Depressed4life said:
Yeah i am feeling down, when the time comes and i have to call i have no energy or desire to do so. Then in my mind i am like if i can get help, i will be better...I swear i will call MONDAY!!. If i don't call, shoot ME!!

I dunno bout shooting you,i might peck your head and mither you untill you do though :D I know its hard when your depression saps your willpower though so dont beat yaself up about not ringing.


Well-known member
shield said:
Most people are zombies. They walk through life following other people and just absorbing influences from their surroundings. They don't think with their own minds they are thick and they wont be able to understand no matter how much you explain. I have learnt not to talk to people about deep things it just bounces off them.

Tell me about it...I seem to find though that those deep things go straight through them and out the other side, leaving them with an annoying gormless expression. I just want to shake those types of people :wink:

At the end of the day, most people are only interested in the things/problems that directly affect when somebody's mum suddenly gets cancer..only then because it's somebody close to them that's affected do they go out and fundraise for cancer research. It's the same with everything really.
A lot of people have no desire to try and understand something like social anxiety, they're too wrapped up in their own pathetic (In comparison.Like the girl you mentioned) problems.