Think that anxiety is just a mental phase and that it will dissapear on its own and that you can control it. I met this girl online who i told her about it and she's like change it, stop caring so much about what ppl have to say about you...yeah as if it was that EASY. Then she goes on saying that she "had anxiety" and her bf that she never met in person and is in the army cured her anxiety. WTF!!! If it was that easy then my bf would had cured my anxiety as well. It clearly means that she never really experienced anxiety the way we feel it so why is she acting as if its my fault and as if i can get rid of it and be happy just like that. I hate it how ppl think anxiety is just a harmless problem BECAUSE ITS NOT. It is more than that, somedays i want to kill myself, the next minute i am happy, the next minute i see a person and i get so anxious that i am almost cyring, the next second i want to be lock up in the house, the next second i am so tired and confused, the next hour i wish i hadn't been born exct...exct