Does your voice go soft or lower when your nervous?


Well-known member
I attended my newstart lifeskills program today again.Today they wanted us to partner up with a person in the room and ask them what would you do if you won a million dollars.They video taped us and will review on how we did and what we could do better by watching the tape.I was really nervous and didnt know what to day, i said like i would buy a new house and car etc.But i notice my voice goes low when im under stress and nervous and anxious.Does anyone else get this?


Well-known member
Yeah, it's funny, because my voice varies from moment to moment. It can sound confident, deep, and then the next, it's become squeaky and breaks in sentence. It's really frustrating!
ugh, yes my voice gets really quiet and it's really childish sounding on the best of days so I can't imagine how annoying it must be to talk to me when I'm nervous.


Well-known member
Same with me my voice gets really quiet and they always have to ask me again what I said. :(


Well-known member
my voice gets softer plus my words come out quicker, i also find i hold my breath a bit, it doesn't happen so much now but it was really bad at school :oops:


New member
my voice starts fading and i dont even notice... i also stutter, or lose it completely when i'm too nervous.
talking on the phone with strangers (especially at work) is always a nightmare.


New member
Mine goes soft AND high like a girly girl lol. I sound like a real push over. My Sp seems to be linked with my manic depression though and on days where I'm manic, I can sound and act like the most assertive mans man in town haha. I give up trying to understand myself :))