I was diagnosed with PSVT(Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia). It has been determined that my anxiety disorder helps set off the electic signal to the heart making it 'flutter' and in some cases race to a heart rate over 200. I have been dealing with this since I was 13 or 14. I also get angina(chest pain). They put me on a Beta Blocker (atenolol) to help control the heart rythym and the angina. It took some time to find the right dosage to make a differnce, but it has 99% taken the heart flutters away and my angina has almost all but diappeared. IT does NOT help my anxiety, although I have heard it has been perscribed for individuals with stage fright, to be taken when needed, BUT since I have been on it for 20 some odd years, that effect doesn't help me. BOY I WISH IT DID! I am sure that you have been told that caffiene, nicotine and alcohol are all items that will set off the signals to your heart. Since anxiety is a stage of always on ALERT, your body has already produced enough adreneliene and these items even in small to moderate consumption can cause your body to 'jump start'.
I have also come to find out....in my quest over the past 2 decades to get well......that taking Vitamin B whether B-12 or B-6 sets off the heart 'flutters' and heavy pouinding feeling. There is reason to believe that this vitamin is helping with depression and anxiety, but if you are prone to a sensitve heart ,it is not always a comforting feeling. If you are anything like the rest of us, the feelings of your heart fluttering just make it more difficult to deal with the anxiety, if not heighten it. I recommend talkng to your doctor at length, there are ways to control it, from medication to a certain breathing technique that will help. People with heart rythym issues should ALWAYS, ALWAYS,ALWAYS SEEK THE THE ADVICE FROM THE MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Using the message board for support and other experiences is wonderful, but don't assume anything. There may be other issues your doctor would like to ask you about. Remember MVP is a defect in the actual heart valve where as PVC's and PSVT and alike are caused through the electric signals. A stress test and ultrasound will confirm it.