Does one know of a Childrens physicatric hospital?


I know of one in Hamilton Ontario Canada but it doesnt seem that you live anywhere near here.


Residential treatment unit for eating disoders (Rhodes Farm).

Cygnet Health Care in Kent has a unit for 12-18 year olds. Again, private.

As for NHS psychiatric hospitals pediatric wards/units within hospitalsare dotted all over the country. However some children and adolescents (16-18) are still being treated in adult mental health wards which can be pretty disturbing so watch out for that.

Michael Rutter Centre for Children and Young People is an outpatient service for children with mental health issues and is closely linked to ...

Maudsley Hospital is a dedicated NHS mental health hospital which has services for children and young people.

There are probably lots more around the country both private and NHS and some private places do take NHS referrals.