Does having a b/f or g/f really help?


Active member
lovemylas said:
"I have to remember, this person liked me enough to give me a shot, so I must have something good about me. :D So, what I should concentrate on is why this relationship failed, and try to work that out, so I won't make the same mistake when that new person comes along. I know there will be, because I just had someone."

Thanks, I'm gonna need that sometime. . .

I fell in love with a girl that lives overseas. She fell in love with me.
We seek each other everyday.
We are beginning to seriously consider seeing each other some time.
( I know it sounds funny. . . but I already said she's overseas, didn't I? didn't I? )

It's helping me so much to get through each day and I feel something so poignantly beautiful that I think. . . when it ends, my life will have to end too; I have no hopes (and no interest!) for what's coming after this. . . :cry:

BTW: No one ever gave me a shot 'till now that I'm 25. :?


New member
lovemylas said:
"I have to remember, this person liked me enough to give me a shot, so I must have something good about me. :D So, what I should concentrate on is why this relationship failed, and try to work that out, so I won't make the same mistake when that new person comes along. I know there will be, because I just had someone."

Thanks, I'm gonna need that sometime. . .
I wish we all could remember that when it would help the most.