Does Drionic Work?


I have been a HH sufferer for my whole life...I have had it since I was 3 and I am now 21. It has ruined my life. I get so nervous at party's or even at jobs and job interviews. I am not sure what to do with my life now because I have such severe nervous habits that I am afraid to even talk to people sometimes because of my HH. I have tried everything except drionic and ETS. I tried botox but it was very painful I couldn't even finish my whole hand. Does any one know how effective the drionic machine is and if there are ways to make it more effective? Also, what are your thoughts on ETS? I have been thinking about getting this surgery done because I suffer so badly from my HH. I just want something that is perminant and will make me stop sweating on my hands in my every day life.


drionic works fine for me but its really hard to get the entire hand dry because of the moronic design of the tray. replacing the batteries and everything is pretty costly too. you're probably better off getting one of the more expensive machines


Well-known member
If i were you I shouldn't bother with the drionic (or moronic, as i like to call it) get yourself a better machine like the idromed 4 GS machine, yes its more expensive but who cares-its a better machine. You should see good results after two weeks of treatments. If your HH only happens when your nervous/anxiety then maybe you should try combating that problem with therapy or maybe medication.
Hi Mikepgirl,

Not sure how you made out with your investigations into Drionic, I just wanted to let you know that it worked for me.

I've beens suffering from HH since I was 13 and am 28 now. My sister and my father all have the same condition as well as some of my uncles and cousins. It was always dismissed in my family as it "just something that happens, the others have it too".

Its been such a limiting factor in my life and I was so close to getting the surgery for it. Anything was better than dealing with this dripping every minute of the day. However, I had heard some horror stories of compensatory sweating from my relatives who underwent the surgery. They got CS really bad on their backs and back of their legs, its especially bad for an older uncle because he became very suceptible to colds and pnuemonia due to the constant sweat on his back.

Really, the cost of the surgery was what held me back. I purchased a drionic unit (because it was the cheapest) and have just done my 13th session. I'm so ridiculously surprised that it seems to be working! I guess I had resigned myself to the fact that I was beyond help and had to live with it forever.

I work in a stressful corporate type job and it involves a lot of handshaking, presenting, note taking and typing. Using a mouse pad to navigate a screen that's being projected in front of 25 people is my worst nightmare! I really hope you consider alternatives and try some other ways to manage your HH before considering surgery.

My advice is to be paitent with the Drionic (or other such machine), my first one and a half weeks were so discouraging because I think I actually experienced an INCREASE in sweating, like the electric shock was stimulating my sweat glands or something. And it hurt initially. But over the course of the 11th or 12th session, the sweating redcued dramatically and now I have almost complete dryness. There are some moist spots on the centre of my palms, but it totally doesn't matter, I dont' even notice it compared to the dripping i'm accustomed to.

I find myself a lot calmer in work (stressful) situations because I can actually concentrate on my thoughts and interactions with people without having to divert my attention to hiding my hands. Along with that comes a lot more confidence. And I no longer need to be paranoid that everyone is staring at me on the subway when I can't get a seat and start leaving drip marks on those horrible slide-y steel poles that everyone hangs onto!


Yeah, I abandoned Drionic about 10 years ago. The other brands may be better like Idromed 4. Drionic worked for me somewhat (on my hands) maybe 30%, but the daily routine became too much for me.

I know what you mean, bellbottom, about the stressful corporate work environment. I’m a GM for a large global organization, and I travel, meet, and present to people all the time. But over the past few years, I’ve been completely open about my disorder (hands) and have told people about it without shame (and I consider it educational for them). I find that they are intrigued by it and are very understanding, and helps explain why others are like that that they've met. I joke about it, and it’s reverse psychology because it has reduced my anxiety recently to where I don’t even think about it anymore.

If I happen to think about it, at times, and my hands are especially hot and sweaty, I just run my hands and arms in real cold water for a minute to cool it down, just before meeting folks.

Over all, I found this open approach to have greatly reduced my hand sweating and anxiety.


I had the Drionic and it did work. Huge pain in the butt though. Change pads, plates, batteries, all the time. And it wouldn't get my entire hand or foot the way it was laid out.

I returned it and got the Fischer MD1a unit. It was about 500 more, but will save you so much money over the long haul. It worked MUCH much better, and is a lot more convenient.

I don't regret the purchase at all.