Does anyone know about the medication "Lexapro"?


My doctor just started me on it. I'm 17 and female. Anyone else on it? What should I expect from meds (never been on them before)? Any advice? Thanks in advance. ~OneAnaHalf


Well-known member
Hi, i was put on Leaxapro, its the only medication ive ever been prescribed by a doc and to be honest it made me ill, i was told to take 10mg but i only took 5mg for some unknown reason (which iam glad of) anyway.. i took it at about 9.30 in the morning and about 40mins later i had a very light head but nice feeling and it was good for a bit but then i fell ill, i was being sick and on the toilet at the same time, for a week i was seriuosly ill. i later done a search on google and found it to be something called seratonin syndrome it was something to do with me taking pain killers with codeine in them and the lexapro at the same time, iam not sure if it effects everyone but just wanted to make you aware of it :)


Well-known member
I was on Lexpro didn't do anything for me but killed my sex drive. :lol: On the plus side I never gain any weight from it and I didn't get any other bad side affects.From what I have read it suppose to have less side affect then other ssri.


New member
I am on Lexapro and quite frankly, I haven't noticed any improvements on my social phobia, at all. Like the person above, the only thing it has done for me was kill my sex drive.
I was being treated for depression, taking Xanax, Celexa and Tolvan. Changed psychiatrists and now he presented me a new and completely different diagnosis of social phobia and obessive-compulsive disorder. I feel a bit lost here, and I don't believe one thing excludes the other. The doctor simply quit the previous treatment and started a new one.


Thank you all for responding.

Bruna, how long have you been on it? My doctor told me it would take 2-3 weeks before I noticed any changes. Thank you so much for sharing. It's so helpful. I'm desperate to be happy again, medication was a last resort.


Well-known member
I tried it only thing it did was decrease my sexual performance. Uh more like masterbation performance. :roll:

I'm on Zoloft now, it works much better but it also costs a lot more.


New member
I've been on Lexapro (20mg once daily) for a year now and it's been great for me. I was on paxil, but my doctor changed it to lexapro because the paxil made me gain alot of weight. Also had sexual side effects with the paxil, but not with the lexapro. :D The lexapro seems to give me more energy and helps tremendously with my anxiety. :)


Oh good, finally some hope. Thanks so much. I have a question for you then, about how long did it take for the lexapro begin working? I'm waiting patiently, I just want to be "normal" again. You know?



ive been on lexapro [10 mg] for 3 weeks. i feel great . havent gone out to meet new people yet. going to give it time. i have no side affects.


New member
Yes. I know exactly how you feel. Seems like it took about two weeks to tell a big difference. And I never had any side effects. The lexapro helps with my anxiety and depression. I hope you start to feel much better very soon! :)