Does anyone find this a challenge?


When you have to walk somewhere on your own, and people are approaching towards you and you have to pass. Specially if there is a few of them together.


Well-known member
Definitly, I get so paranoid thinking that they'll think I'm a loser cuz I'm all by myself and they'll just laugh at me later. I know it's probably not true but its hard to shake the feeling. I start to get really self conscious and think about all the possible things I could be doing wrong or how I look.

It's the worst with people around my age or younger cuz I know how immature they can be.


Well-known member
I find it very difficult. I will cross the street to avoid passing someone if I can. I can't look at the person as I walk by either.

I dont' do that all the time. I have at times even looked at the person and attempt to say hello but i normally don't get the whole word out. End up as hu...
I also try to smile or at least look not crazy. Not sure if that works.


Well-known member
i think thats y i dont like going out on my own,i never know where 2 look or even what expression 2 ave on my face lol atleast if im with some 1 i can quicky spark up a convo with them and it takes my mind of the 1 or group of ppl coming 2wards me it works 2!!!