Does anyone ever...


Hello to you all

I'm very curious, I just wanted to know if anyone experienced any social phobia symptoms even when communicating with others in the forum.

It seems stupid, but I think I do experience some mild symptoms sometimes.


Well-known member
Yeah I do all the time, not nearly as bad as when talking to people face to face or on the phone though.


im terrified of posting on forums.
anything i say just seems stupid to me.
it probably is too heh but oh well.


Well-known member
I have never seen you post a stupid comment.

I am not worried about posting here, like Scatmantom this is the only place I can feel safe. I am concerned sometimes about accidently offending someone.


Well-known member
verylonely said:
Hello to you all

I'm very curious, I just wanted to know if anyone experienced any social phobia symptoms even when communicating with others in the forum.

It seems stupid, but I think I do experience some mild symptoms sometimes.

Yes i'm terrified to about making posts in the forum to.Either because of grammar and spelling or that I will make a post that sound really stupid.That's why I never did write anything online for 4 years because I scared but I have gotten better about that a little bit now.


Active member
funny thing, I never had anxiety when writing on a forum because you have all the time in the world to make your post perfect.
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Well-known member
I double check what I've written, looking for any mistakes in terms of spelling, grammar etc.

Sometimes I worry whether I've said anything 'controversial' on the forum, and I also check to see if people reply to me.
Yes I do all the time. I'm on here loads just reading posts but I rarely post any of my own. I always think I'm going to say something stupid, and that people wont want to talk to me anyway because they think I'm boring.


I don't particularly have problems with posting on forums - as in I don't think I fear what other people will make of them - although I can spend up to half an hour on a post (sometimes longer) because nothing seems to 'roll off the tongue' and I constantly analyse and restructure what I've written until I think it's acceptable.... which I suppose probably has got something to do with fearing what people will make of them... So, yes 8O


Well-known member
Hell, Yes!

I hate introducing myself and afraid of what people will think of me.
Afraid that I will appear stupid, arrogant, disrespectful, ...list goes on
I fear that I will somehow respond to the wrong post or double post
or break some rule I'm not aware of, or...list goes on

The sad thing is I find it much easier to talk to people on internet than in real life. Which I rarely do.

At least with forums you have time to think about what your going to put and can change mistakes. Bad part is your message is displayed to the world and your words are immortallized on the internet.