does anyone ever wish they were physically ill?


Well-known member
does anyone else here ever wish they were really seriously ill? i often do. when im lying in bed hiding away, i often wish i had the kind of disease that people would feel sad for me that i have to stay in bed, and would consider me brave if i managed to get up and go downstairs for a little while! i know that i dont really want to be ill, and that its in poor taste to suggest that but, i am ill. with this mental illness nobody can see the effect, it really just is all in the head. i can understand why people dont sympathise, when i just lay in bed and mope about. but if the pain was physical instead of emotional they would be sympathetic. its crippling and painful to me, but nobody sees it.


Well-known member
I dont wish to be physically ill, I had renal failure at 13 and a renal transplant at 18, Being that ill was awful and I actually hated the sympathy.
Its not sympathy we really need anyways, its understanding.
Have you actually ever explained you SP to anyone???


Well-known member
I am ill... I have crohn's disease which is very draining and painful. It's caused by stress. I know it's related to SA, but i don't know which came first. I have to stay in bed a lot and everyone considers it a big achievement if I get up.
The only good thing is, when there's people who won't let me use SA as "an excuse", I can just use my crohn's as the excuse instead. It's a lie, but a lie they will believe, and that's what counts. People are stupid.


Well-known member
Hey Crimefish :)
My mother also suffers from Crohns disease. For you that dont know what that is its an inflammatory bowel disorder. My mum had an op not long ago after developing gangrene in her small intestine, nice huh!.
Crimefish, how come its affacting you so badly?...or is it just a flare up??? or are you just saying its an excuse as not to socialise??....I'm a tad confused!


Well-known member
My doctor told me there's three types. Sometimes people have one flare up, then it goes away completely. Sometimes you have random flare ups and you need medication (or surgery depending on how much of the intestine is affected). Sometimes the inflamation is too spread out for surgery and all the non-toxic medications do more harm than good. I'm the third one. I take medication, but the disease still leaves me painful and exhausted. This also stops me wanting to go out anyway, but unlike SA, it doesn't actually stop me going out. It's just that, with nonbelievers, I can just say my crohn's is giving me hell (which is true) and they stop hassling me about going out.
Thanks for asking, and sorry to go on for ages. lol.


Well-known member
Hey dont worry about going on for ages, its cool. I like hearing about other people. Sorry about your crohns though, I've seen the pain it brings.
I'm asthmatic...that has nothing on crohns i know ( sounds like a contest for worse disease now dont but it is a bit of a b*tch when having a panic attack..lmao.


Well-known member
Thanks... Yeah, I can barely stand panic attacks as it is, and I don't have any respiratory problems... That must suck for you. :(


Well-known member
LilMissTragic said:
Hey Crimefish :)
My mother also suffers from Crohns disease. For you that dont know what that is its an inflammatory bowel disorder. My mum had an op not long ago after developing gangrene in her small intestine, nice huh!.
Crimefish, how come its affacting you so badly?...or is it just a flare up??? or are you just saying its an excuse as not to socialise??....I'm a tad confused!


My aunt just had gangrene on her 2 feet, and i tell u its much more scary than u can imagine. a bit chunk of her flesh is missing, and wih the puss filled gap, it stinks as well.

Yeah, i was the one who had been cleaning her feet, b4 they became grangrenous..

o my, i cant imagine gangrene on the intestine! arrgg!!