Does anyone ever feel like this?


Well-known member
Do you ever find people saying, "why do you walk like that"? It's so annoying! With me, I somehow overcame my fear of talking to people in regular conversations but I still get a lil shaken up by public speaking but just as much as the average "normal" person. But when it comes to doing things such as writing in front of other people or walking around in public, I really really feel uncomfortable b/c it seems like everyone's focusing on me (then I think they must be wondering "what's wrong with her?"). As a result, I try to do these things perfectly so that people can't say anything wrong about me but the more I try, the more I become awkward. I even feel like it's hard to catch my breath because I'm so concentrated on doing these things the "right" way. Maybe it's in this that people do actually begin to notice me because I'm inadvertently making my worst fear come true, everyone staring at me and feeling out of control. Someties I wonder why the hell me? Why is everyone so "normal" and I'm just so different? Does anyone feel like this?


Well-known member
hehehe you were made "unique" sweethart and that's a precious thing b/c "normal" people is so boring...

But I know exactly what you need to do. Just avoid worryng about others staring at you. If they do, it's their business. You don't need to feel such uncomfortable because of that. You have a special gift! You attact their attention on you just like a star would do, just like if you were a famous actress or pop singer.
Smile back to them and keep your head up! :D


Well-known member
The_9th_passenger said:
Just avoid worryng about others staring at you.

It sounds so easy, but its so hard for me. I constantly tell myself too not care what people think and that it only matters what I think about myself. But its so hard. Its like I walk into a room and I subconsciencly think what everyone is thinking about me and its never good. I know what you mean Kalima, I am constantly trying to be perfect, sometimes I wish I could just turn my mind off and not think lol


Well-known member
Hello, Yetisbabe, i understand perfectly what it is happening to you and how unconfortable it can be. What i do when i am being stared at by other people is... I try to convince myself that i am a normal person with a normal look. I try to convince myself that i have the same rights to be there , where they are, and i do not have to feel worse than them. Sometimes, i get it and sometimes it is too late and i have already started sweating and trembling. I suppose i have to practise more often.

bye. :D


Well-known member
Kalima said:
Someties I wonder why the hell me? Why is everyone so "normal" and I'm just so different?

I thought, hmm think, like this.
Then i accepted it as my way of being, and now half the world seems so much more beautiful.

But yeah, people sometimes talk about how i walk. Dont mind. Just wanted to not have such a belly, it would make my walking style so much cooler.


Well-known member

I can totally relate to that!! I remember being told stuff at school about the way in which I did things - how I carried my bag, how I ate with a knife and fork, how I talked, every bloody thing!! I've been quite paranoid since then often expecting people to tell me I'm doing something wrong. :x Then I think well what makes them believe they're right about everything!!


Well-known member
I do the walk-of-awkwardness too. :( No one has actually ever noticed, or at least I don't think they have. If they have, they've never told me. :(

shy_miss_fly said:
I constantly tell myself too not care what people think and that it only matters what I think about myself. But its so hard. Its like I walk into a room and I subconsciencly think what everyone is thinking about me and its never good.
Same here. It makes me even more uncomfortable when people are whispering or laughing, the very moment I walk through the door. Oh, or when the room like goes totally silent. 8O


yetisbabe said:
I have suffered from agoraphobia for years but I am now learning to go outside. I yet, go too far from home, but its a start. The problem that I have is people looking at me. Or should I say...seemingly looking at me. I tell myself that they are probably not looking at that I am thinking more of myself than they are, but it doesn't work.

Its still at the point where my stomach aches and my head aches when I am in a shop or near people. I feel as though my legs are turning to jelly and everyone can see. Everyone is looking and thinking how ugly I am or how sick I look. I am trying to fight these feelings and I am no longer going to allow them to take me back to where I was. I know that eventually I will feel comfortable being out and around people, if I can just keep myself strong. :)

The only time I am outside is when I am walking to or from work, what I do to try and take my mind off things is count the strides I take in my head from 1 to 8 over and over and keep in rythym, it helps me a little.

One thing to note though is that everyone must look somewhere, usually straight ahead, and in your peripheral vision (corner of your eye) you assume they are looking at you when they are actually looking where they are walking. If they didn't do this they would walk into the first lamp post they come across !! If only I could convince my brain of this fact!!!!! :)