Does anyone else have this problem with hyperhidrosis?


New member
Hi guys I'm new here I'm a 19 year old female with hyperhidrosis on my hands and feet, I think it's great there's a forum for people with this issue where people can talk about their problems with this.

I have an issue which I'm hoping some of you can help me with, maybe some of you with palmar hyperhidrosis have had the same issue.

Basically I'm hoping to go abroad at some point in the future to America, then catch a connecting flight elsewhere. The question I'm asking is, does anyone else have an issue with the fingerprinting system America and some other abroad countries use?
I've been to America before and it's presented a bit of an issue with the scanner not recognising my prints. It's rather embarrassing! Not only this but it tends to take a longer time to get through immigration and I don't want to miss a connecting flight because of this ridiculous issue!

Has anyone else had experience with this or got any ways to deal with it? I currently use driclor on my palms sometimes but I mainly just deal with it, my family are not very supportive about the issue so treatments aren't really an option for me when I'm living at home. I also wouldn't be able to use treatments when I'm abroad for when I'm coming back as the place I'm going to is a kind of adventure style holiday and rather remote.

So basically I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this issue and can offer any advice? Mainly, can the US deny me entry or allow me to miss my flight because of this issue?? I'm probably being overly paranoid but you know how it is with hyperhidrosis, little things can seem like huge issues!

Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
I never had to do fingerprints while traveling, but I did have to do it for a new job once. Of course it was horrible and took a long time to get good prints. Then I find out later that the prints were not clear enough so I had to go back and do the whole thing all over again. For advice I would just try to dry them off just before you get the prints taken.


Well-known member
omg I know exactly what you're talking about.... I used to study in california on a student visa, and I would dread going through immigration cuz most of the time the fingerprint scanner would not pick up my print since the sweat would smudge the scanner glass piece, so I would have to re-do it a few times. I used to use my tshirt to soak the sweat from my fingers then transfer directly to the scanner and it worked a lil better, but the worst time was when it did not work after 3 or 4 times and got escorted to the interrogation room haha.

I bought the idromed 5dc after college and after the initial treatment, I'm pretty much sweat free on my hands and that was the best moment of my life ever. I've found the perfect routine for me and that's 3 times a week, 10-12 mins on each polarity. Although the machine is a lil expensive, it's a small price to pay for dry hands, trust me.