Does anyone else find themeselves


Well-known member
Spending the entire day indoors alone? I mean without so much as even setting foot outside? I haven't gone anywhere in almost two days. Not that I have anywhere to go.
But sometimes I am just downright amazed that I can stand to be in the same place for so long when most people would be suffering from severe bouts of cabin fever by now.
Then sometimes, like today, I feel bad about staying here all day long because it feels like I am wasting my life away and not being productive. But with gas prices sky high and my typical loner status it's not like I have that many options.
Lately the fear of going out has been steadily mounting to the painful intensity it had been months ago before I started taking medication. Just walking outside makes me feel nervous. I feel like my body temperature has shot up just thinking about it. :?


hi just read your message, i'm new to this site
there have been times where i haven't ventured outside for at least 3 or 4 days, i see my brother and sister stuck in the house for just one day and it sends them stir crazy.
I also being a bit of a loner don't have much of an option either.
I'm 20, for about 4 or 3 years i have been suffering from social phobia, i actually just found out what the condition was a few months ago throught the internet.


Active member
I can't stay indoors for longer than a day. Maybe that's why I hate my job so much. Even when it's extremely hot or extremely cold, I still have an urge to be outside and just enjoy the scenery of wherever I am. It lifts my spirits for some reason.


I cant stay "indoors" for a day, I will usually step out to the deck or whatever but I can spend weeks not leaving the property :oops: And even walking up the driveway is very nerve wracking. Ah the joys of social phobia


Well-known member
I spend my days on my computer playing C&C and C&C: Red Alert, since I had to leave university for a semester. Not healthy I know, hopefully when it fines up a bit this week I will get out of the house and go for a jog. Other than that I will stay home and just watch movies


New member
Yes...for the past 8 months since i lost my job due to my depression and my 'negativity' :(. I lost all my friends cuz who really wants to hang out with 'negative' people, right? I spend days without leaving my home. It sort of has become my 'comfort zone'...where no one can judge me. Most of the time I do feel I'm wasting time and I could be doing something productive but I've basically lost all motivation.


I know what you mean dude. I haven't left my house since friday and even then when I go out I just went to take an exam. But, I usually don't leave the house at all unless I'm going shopping or have school.