Does Anyone Else Feel Like...


Well-known member
Their lives have lost nearly all promise? I mean not to be negative or anything, but for me being in such a dysfunctional position has left me wondering what there even is to look forward to. I can't see anything right now.
I find myself wondering what the hell it is about life exactly that people always claim is so worth living. Everyday I'm just plagued by anxiety with absolutely no prospects of being successful career-wise or forming close, lasting bonds with other people. I can't even see myself having a family of my own. I just wake up day after day wondering how long it'll take for life to pass me by so I can be through with it all.

I'm still very young (20) and all hope hasn't abandoned me, but I am already at an age when all my peers (who were once friends but have now moved on) are passing me by and going on to normal lives. Meanwhile I can barely look people in the eye any time I go out in public, can't hold down a job to save my life, still live with my parents who are becoming more resentful of my burdensome presence by the day, and I can't afford to go to school right now. Add to that the fact that my Dad wants to put me out of the house (he attempted to just yesterday) and I feel totally lost.

What happened to the promising future that seemed just around the corner a few years ago and yet now seems so far away? Anyone else find themselves wondering the same thing?


Well-known member
I feel like I have promise in my life but it's empty promise that isn't going to make me happy so to me it's no better than no promise. I'm in college making good grades and about to head off to pharmacy school but all that means nothing to me if I can't have true friends, be happy, and one day get married and start a family which SA is going to always prevent me from doing if I never get help.