Doctors don't believe I'm a social phobic / Valium - Xanax


New member
I drove thousands of miles through France to find the perfect bridge to jump from (they have many.... you may be surprised) - but chickened out the last moment.

The problem is (and I dare talking about it openly now, I couldn't until a few months ago) that I am "gifted" (above average intelligence).

I hate saying that, since it sounds (and always has) like bragging to me and I don't feel "superior" to others, but am afraid they might think that I think that I was etc. (arrogant behaviour and all).

Therefore I have really great difficulty making social contacts that last longer than a few weeks. I have something to say / an opinion on everything, so I can talk for hours with people, that is luckily not my problem. But then I lose interest in the person and suddenly think of "better" things to do.

Anyway, if you're still with me: I was against my clearly stated will put into a psychiatry afterwards. I told them I had social phobia, that I blushed when I was standing in line at the local super market, couldn't look people in the eye, always had wet hands when the tension arose before I knew I had to shake hands etc. - but the doctors at the psychiatry said I was lying - or that at least it wasn't phobic.

They said I was very physically attractive (might that be deceiving, even to professionals?) - was very articulate (my mother tongue is German), smart and seem to be very witty.

They just wouldn't believe me, in the end they discharged me and told me I had too high expectations of life in general.

What use is that if I don't feel better at all? I still consider my self VERY socially phobic (and I did a lot of research into it), and find that everything around me changes for the better if I take Valium of Xanax.

Has anyone made any similar experiences with these substances and social phobia? Unlike alcohol (which I really don't like), they don't impair much and make (at least me) you resilient against social phobia.

Help please!! Do you think a doctor here in Germany would prescribe one of these substances if I told him/her that it works like magic for me? Right now I"m getting them from the black market, at outrageous prices.

You have to realize that German pyschiatrics are very "conservative" when it comes to medication and don't easily prescribe such medicine (they tell you "it could be worse, learn to live with it").

I'm still very suicidal and depressed and my life is so much better when one of the problems, social phobia, is resolved.

It's not a complete cure for me, but 50% of my depression. Should I dare going to the doctor and telling her/him that I am socially phobic and have made great experiences with benzos?

I know a lot of ppl 'abuse' them, but I feel I deserve them!


Im sorry i dont really have the time to post a propa reply at the moment.But to be blunt it sounds like you got unlucky and had an ass of a doctor... i knew someone who was serverley physcotic,tried killing himself... and was constantly self harming.They dishcahrged him because they said he was making it up a week later he took an od 8O But bk to the point.. your not always gonna find a decent doctor the first time.. actualy its very unlikley.

And they dont realise.. the decisions they make upon first impressions (it doesnt help we find it hard to communicate!!) can really affect our lives.And it sounds to me these people didnt have the experience to see despite you being an good looking articulate intelligent person.... social phobia can still affect you.. just like it can anyone.Unfortantley theres still alot of stereotyping going on and stigma and maybe you didnt fit into there view of what was social phobic :?

Anyway sorry im totaly ranting... dont give up... you deserve help! you might have to go through 5 doctors before you find a decent one but its worth it so dont loose heart.Ive been on diazipam btw for quite a while.. ive got to go drop an easter egg off for my mates kid but ill be bk on later and reply properly.

(edit)ps there is nothing wrong with being proud of your qualaties :) .... be it intelligance.. or if your good at drawing everyone has somthing i think,its only when you rub it in peoples faces when it becomes "big head-nes lol" And it probaly took more guts to not jump off the bridge ya know


New member
Danfalc said:
Unfortantley theres still alot of stereotyping going on and stigma and maybe you didnt fit into there view of what was social phobic :?

Absolutely true. Doctors are "mere mortals" as well and first impressions make a big impression on them as well, so if you don't look to timid or whatever the first time they see you (I prefer to overplay my anxiety) they might misjudge you...

You're totally right, a friend told me it took her 4 doctors to find the right one who was 'compatible' with her.

I've made such bad experiences with doctors however in the past months ('look, it's not that big of a problem'), that I'm not yet ready to give it another try.

But thanks a lot for the encouragement! :) You can say what you want, but diazepam does help some people... and I consider myself educated about its dangers enough that I deserve a prescription...
I was labeled "gifted" too. But it took me almost 30 years to figure out how to deal with my social anxiety disorder. Finally about 3 years ago I found Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Now it feels like I'm reborn, been given a second chance to make something of my life. Before trying valium or xanax maybe you can give ACT a try.