Do your parents have this?


I remember reading a post that said it was genetic (not entirely sure if there was science backing that claim or not).

From my personal experience, my dad claims to have had really sweaty palms when he was younger but he says that he "grew out of it". My mom has cold, dry hands (ohh, how I envy that).

I have three sisters, two of them have HH to about the same degree as mine. My other sister only gets slightly moist hands at certain times (like typing at her computer).


Well-known member
No one in my family has it except for me.

Actually one of my earliest recollections of having it bad was at a wedding with a lot family and someone pointing out that I was sweating like mad.


Well-known member
My family have panic & anxiety attacks but not SP, i sorta blame one of my parents for this cus its ruining my life & they arent doing anything to help it, in fact right now one of them is making it worse!!!
they're oractically incapible of human emotions resulting in our family falling apart :evil:


Well-known member
He doesn't sweat nearly as much as me, but I believe it comes from my father's side of the family.

My cousin used to work at the same place as I do, she was a waitress and she sweated awful bad and had panic attacks...she's on my father's side.


Well-known member
Funny you ask. I was just thinking about this the other day. My parents don't have this but I still believe it's genetic after scouring the net on the topic for so long.

I'm not too bummed. Hyperhidrosis is a terrible thing to have, but you have to also put things into perspective.

It could be worse. I'd rather have hyperactive sweat glands than a hyperactive thyroid problem.


Well-known member
I recall my mother used to occasionally have a sweaty upper lip, but nothing compared to my facial HH where it can literally drip off my face even at mild exertion.

Having said that, In winter I don't tend to suffer so bad. But I have to say that if I lived in the USA or Australia I feel my condition would be far worse than it already is in the colder climes of the UK.


Well-known member
bill-uk said:
I recall my mother used to occasionally have a sweaty upper lip, but nothing compared to my facial HH where it can literally drip off my face even at mild exertion.

Having said that, In winter I don't tend to suffer so bad. But I have to say that if I lived in the USA or Australia I feel my condition would be far worse than it already is in the colder climes of the UK.

Hey Bill, I lived in Salisbury, Wiltshire for a year. Beautiful part of the world.

Live in Western Australia now, and yes it can be pretty bad in Summer. At least it's not too bad in terms of humidity here...I would be a wreck in somewhere like Queensland or even Sydney.

You sound like me - minimum exertion and it sets off.