Do you travel anywhere on holidays?


Well-known member

I wonder if you travel on your holidays to anywhere. I mention the connection with the SA, not the lack of money. We (my family) don't have many money, so we rather stay at home for the holidays... But if we tried to save some money, it would probably suffice for e. g. some my colonies or a camp. So, the real reason of mine not to go there isn't lack of money but the SA. I think I'd feel surely more comfortable if going on the holidays with my parents - but we can't, as I've written above, afford to do so...

I'm curious if you have ever been to any camp or similar trip. Did you enjoy it? I've been, but it was rather long time ago. I'd then no SA yet...

Greetings. :)


Well-known member
Hi Marvolo. I live in Germany, and every other year or so, when we can afford it, we (my husband, son and I) travel to the US to visit my family. It's really stupid -- we spend all that money to fly over there, then when I'm there I feel so anxious that I just stay at my parents home and hardly even venture out to go shopping. My husband and son go sight-seeing, like to the National Zoo in Washington, or they go to fun places like water parks and national parks. I have to stay home by myself, which is a real bummer. It would be better for me just to stay in Germany, but my folks like to see their grandson. . .


Well-known member
Hi Foxglove, :)

Well, your phobia seems to be really serious, thinking after your statement... :(

But it's interesting (and sad) that your anxiety doesn't lessen when you're there. I've noticed that when I change the environment (even when going to some other near city, for any reason), my anxiety is clearly less strong... Curious... Of course, it isn't completely gone, but it is able to be beared.

But factually, I don't know if I'd go to any water parks... but a zoo or national parks could else be.



Active member
hey foxglove, nice to see someone else from germany here... :D

usually i do a trip of one or two weeks at least once a year, and it makes me feel a lot better to be far from home. All the people and places that make me anxious are far away and thus out of mind.

some years ago i was in france and i had a hard time talking to the locals because my french is really bad, but last summer i was in the US and i felt so good and freed from my sp. :lol: