Do you think being an actor is lonely?


Well-known member
Just curious. I love acting out situations I make up in my head, so I decided I'm going to try and be an actor and writer. I know it's hard but that's not the point. Do you think being on a famous TV show would help ease your loneliness. Because this way you get to spend all day with you cast mates who all have something in common with you?


sure it would. just watch any gag reel from almost ANY film. actors have a great time on film sets.

Brad Pitt started his acting career by being an extra in a few different film productions around L.A. .....all the while he worked dead-end jobs.

go online and start looking for extra roles. maybe save up some money and move to a nearby city or wherever all the film making is going on. it might take time....but don't wimp out.


Well-known member
Creative outlets are wonderful (whether it's writing, painting, music, or acting), but I think celebrity status is probably lonely.