Do you tell your friends who you like??


Well-known member
I've never told any of my friends who I liked or what guy I think is cute, ever! they must think i'm a lesbian (I know one of them does, she actually asked me if I was)

whatever! i'm done caring about what they think.


Well-known member
it's sometimes healthy to tell the people that you like them.

although i find it very difficult to do that, mainly because of SA, but i try to overcome my fears and just say it.


Well-known member
I think its good to tell friends. Its hard enough to find conversation topics as is...

and. theres always a chance they can hook you up.


I am a bit funny,
I cannot tell mates who I like, but I can tell the person who I like, that I like them.


Well-known member
i think i probably would if i had been friends with that person for a long time, maybe 2 or 3 years. And i think it would probably be cool because then that friend could help me look for a guy like that :p But if it's someone i don't know really well then nope. Probably wouldn't even tell her what type of celebrity i liked either.


Well-known member

NO because then people I know would try and hook me up which creates attention. This attention would then expose my strengths and weakness

Its like when you are shy; your fear of attention is greater than the need for companionship and attention.


Well-known member
When I was younger (elementary, MS, or HS) - I would never dream of it! I would be scared that they would tell that person that I liked them or tease me about it.

Since college, I've been able to reveal to people who I like. I guess because I don't care as much anymore and I am a bit more confident in myself.


Well-known member
I used to have like one best friend who I'd tell all my crushes and some other feelings as well.
Nowadays I have two close friends, but I don't talk to them about emotions much.


New member
Kien said:
Telling people that you like them feels gay. (<,<)

I wish we could see into the future of peoples lives when they are born. Then we could kill all babies who's going to be bad people. Robbers, bullying kids, murderers etc. Just put a gun at the baby's head.

OK, mister, you're quote gotta go. It's sick.

"To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight - and never stop fighting."
E.E. Cummings

Wimp Fuck!!!


^ wat

Anyway, I don't actually have any friends but I imagine that I would tell them if it came up in conversation. I'm not really too self-conscious about that sort of thing.


Well-known member
I only have the one friend, and on the RARE occasion I do get a crush, she freaking KNOWS and talks to me about it while I deny the whole thing up and down.

It's not that I think she'll make fun of me for it or tell anyone, I just reeeeeally hate admitting I happen to like a guy. I feel really ashamed admitting it to myself. It's funny, when anyone else makes an emotional investment in another person, Im happy for them, even if it doesnt turn out well. But when I do it, I feel really weak and pathetic, and I feel guilty for doing something horrible to myself.

Needless to say, I dont get crushes much!


Active member
my friend and the person who I like are one and the same,

and confiding my emotions in my friend, would sort of, actually completely, counteract the secrecy of my emotions.


Well-known member
Nope. I tell my family members though, because I guess I have to let it out somewhere and gush about my crush lol.