Do you like birthdays?


Well-known member
It's my sixteenth birthday in 2 days... I hate all the attention, all the people wishing you things and asking annoying questions... afterwards I'm always happy about all the people being so nice to me...but I hate to be the middlepoint of attention at a party (especially with my familly). also most of my friends throw a party or bring candy stuff and things to school... but there's no way my parents are gonna pay that for me and even giving a drink or something costs a fortune...but I feel very rude doing nohing....
so, do you like your birthday? do you do special things on that day? is it a special day?


Well-known member
SilentClaude said:
You know what I did on my 18th? I watched Jurassic Park.

8) I went seeing jurassic park 3 at my 10th birthday. It scared the shit out of me :lol:
that was one crappy present from my brother 8)


Well-known member
It's whatever. My mom usually get's all emotional. My dad always calls me and talks for hours -.-. My grandma tells me "Now your enough to get a job!" (she's been saying that since I turned 15, i'm 17 now). My grandpa gives me $100 :]] and my bestfriend gives me a stuffed animal and some perfume. Same thing happens every year. lol


Well-known member
I hate them. I like when it's my son's birthday but all other birthdays (especially my own) I hate. I never tell people that it's my birthday so only my family knows, though.


Well-known member
Hi playthepsychedelic. I just went through this recently. At my job they throw a 'party' for you when it's your birthday. Decorate your desk, bring in food, candy, cake & make a big deal over you. I hated it during the moment. But, try to remember it's because they care about you and wish you well and want to celebrate with you! Easier said than done I know but, try to enjoy it!
Your 16! Yeah! :D

Happy Birthday!!


HATE THEM, hate all 'Days', Birthdays, Holidays, Wedding Days, every type of Day! 99% of these Days have no meaning to me whatsoever, except as a time I am forced to act happy and give someone a gift they don't want, or receive a gift I don't want. So you were born on this day, a bunch of years ago, congratulations. I was also born at some point, so I guess that makes us kindred spirits.


Well-known member
I actually don't like birthdays but for different reasons than what's been listed. Even though I'm only 20, I feel like I'm getting older and older. It's like my youth is passing me, and it makes me kind of depressed. I guess I feel this way, because I've missed out on a lot. Not to mention that when I turn 21 this year, I won't have anyone to celebrate with. I feel like everyone makes such a big deal about their 21st, but for me, it will be like an ordinary day. I don't even drink, so I guess I shouldn't be too upset about not doing anything.


Well-known member
My family uses birthdays as an excuse to get together, so if people want to use mine for this purpose, I'm happy about it. That means I'm not expected to help set up or clean up. The best "present" I can get is watching my family have a good time, and I can get as drunk as I want without having to worry about driving anywhere. Also, I can ask my brother's gf to make spring rolls. Yes, spring rolls. Not like the kind you get from Chinese take-out. (Well, it's not technically the best present, but the best one someone related to me can legally give me. If you get my drift.) I can relax around people I'm relatively comfortable with and be an obnoxious drunk, since it's MY birthday.

I used to look forward to birthdays, because I liked the presents. In the past few years, however, I can care less about presents. People ask what I want, and I have no good ideas. Usually, I say "beer". I guess as people get older, they're supposed to dread birthdays. Well, two birthdays from now I hit an evil "milestone" that I'd rather not mention. So I technically have one more to enjoy before I go gently into that good night. Well, hopefully not so gently.


Well-known member
I haven't liked birthdays in about 10 years. People ask me what i want for presents and i never want anything... always is really awkward when you admit you have no interests. I also have always felt very strange saying "thank you". I always ignore my birthday and hope my friends forget