do you know what is "CBT" ? you tried it before ?


Well-known member
In essence, it's a program that involves restructuring your negative beliefs.

Example: Let's say you had a negative belief that getting a bad test grade meant you were going to fail out of school and be homeless for the rest of your life. CBT would want you to examine this belief and really question it's validity. CBT would hope that you would eventually conclude that being homeless after failing a test is extremely unlikely. After realizing this, you are supposed to feel better.

It's not some magical formula or anything. It's actually pretty simple, and you probably already do it in your mind (to calm down). The problem is that a lot of people aren't really good at thinking of "positive" counter-points to their negative beliefs.

But that shouldn't stop you from doing it. I think it's quite healthy to really analyze your negative beliefs. It makes them less scary. Of course, you shouldn't be mesmerized in solving every negative thought, but you should at least examine your major ones.