Do you hide the truth?


Well-known member
I think I make myself even more anxious and exhausted spending time covering up my social anxiety from everyone.

I guess I've covered up for years due to worrying what people might think of me as a result. Funny thing is, I think a lot of people have worked out anyway that I'm a very nervous person despite my efforts.

Do you think its better to tell the truth (and risk what other people might think and say as a result), or try to cover up everything (making yourself mentally exhausted in the process)? :?


I have some friends that I still havent told and it only makes things worse because I have to deal with them teasing me about being weird and shy I am, so I think its better to tell people the truth and explain your symptoms because it will make the people around you more understanding.


Well-known member
i hide the truth...i guess i'm just afraid others will watch me and notice even more the stupid quirks i constantly am trying to hide :?


Well-known member
No way! I always and will always hide it. Its no ones business. There are things that people should not know! The only person I know is my best friend who studies psychology, everyone else just thinks I am shy and quiet.


Active member
I think you have to carefully chose who you do tell, people who don't understand or more kind of hardened people, will just think you are being pathetic and some very cruel people will use it against you even more and make you feel more uncomfortable, there are some horrible people out there who like it when they feel they have the power to make people for more uncomfortable than you already do, so chose wisely!


Well-known member
I cover up. I must do a pretty good job, too, because I get told on numerous occasions that I appear very confident. But you're right when you say its exhausting. I expend a HUGE amount of energy not only covering up my anxiety, but also analyzing people and things that they say. I'm constantly screening everything that's said or done for a hint of negativity or sarcasm. It's mentally exhausting... like if I go out clubbing and I'm having a paranoid night, then that's like 8 hours of continuous thinking (kinda like sitting an 8hr exam!)

It sucks when it happens, but fortunately I'm not always like this. I'm ok most of the time and it only gets really out of hand if I have been feeling depressed in the first place (I tend to be waaay more analytical when I'm depressed).


Well-known member
Ive never realy hid it,but i dont go telling for example if someone asks me why i dont go to the pubs or go clubing i simpley tell them that i dont like crowds,and thats there is too many people there for me.though ive never actualy mentioned Social Anxiety to them.

Most people i work with know iam a quiet person and just accept me for it. :)


Well-known member
Scottish_Player said:
Most people i work with know iam a quiet person and just accept me for it. :)
That's really cool, hey. I generally feel I'm misunderstood by most people. Because of the way I come across, I always get the feeling that they're expecting more from me than I'm able to give them, if that makes sense.


Well-known member
people that know me pretty much know i can be a bit ackward and nervous but i hide it the best i can anyway. i'm afraid they'll look for it if i tell them. it's like giving a decoding sheet to someone trying to crack a code, you tell them one thing and they see it all


Well-known member
There is a bit of stigma in regards to "emotional issues" - in Australia at least - so I believe it is best to just let people think that you are a little shy or to draw any other conclusion that they may, rather than exposing yourself to being treated as "different".

That would be a sure fire recipe for increased anxiety (in my humble opinion).


I don't really see myself as having sa, or if I do I think it's pretty mild compared to a lot of people.

It's pretty obvious that I'm shy and I don't mind if people see that but I'm trying to make steps to become more outgoing. I think that shy part will always be there so I'm not really obsessed with covering it up as just making it a smaller portion of my personality.


Well-known member
i havent told anyone, dont think im gonna. i know for a fact that the people i call my friends just wouldnt get it. its not the SP talking either, i know for sure they wouldnt understand. also friends come and go, if i was to tell somone and the friendship falls apart then they could possiablly use my SP against me, which i fear.


Only my best friend and my sister know. I have other close friends but they can't seem to get their head around the idea of being shy and anxious. They are quite extroverted and talkative. No one else really knows because they would probably use it against me or just think I'm being dramatic/silly.