Do you feel cursed?

I get that sort of feeling often, that everything is going wrong and that people are actually just avoiding and judging me negatively.
The point is that this happens because of the way we are behaving, it's some sort of wrong defense mechanism that we are using, this is what I have personally undestood ;)
There's no curse going on even if it could seem very much like one ;)

Apart from theraphy, some useful steps to start getting better are imho:
- recognize these unhealthy behaviours
- trying to change these but always mantaining your own personality! faking is just useless
- try to constantly self approve yourself in what you do: before getting good with interacting with other people one must be almost in peace with himself

In any case these are problems that involve EQ (Emotional Intelligence), not IQ ;)
Emotional intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Well-known member
Sometimes it's really difficult for us to recognize what's really going on, because we are living in the problem, and we think we know all there is to know about ourselves.

Usually it takes an impartial outside observer to see what's going on and tell us about it.

That's what therapists are good for.

Find one you can relate to, trust them, listen to them, give up trying to control everything, let them help you.
I do agree that we have patterns and behavior that is set to sabotage ourselves unconsciously, but it's definitely not in your genes. But yes, I agree, it does feel allot like a curse sometimes. :/


Well-known member
we can feel curse all we want, but the reality is that we are not. It's just that we think/ are/ act/ differently then the majority. No one is the same we just happened to be just a lot more different then most


Well-known member
I unno like I can never get piece of mind. If all my SA problems are solved I dwell on other negative things.


Active member
I don't think it is a case of cursed, rather one of having been exposed to incorrect mental programming due to experiences or stimuli which we encountered in our formative years (0-7) and throughout the rest of our lives.

The subconscious mind is extremely powerful and will do whatever it can to make your inner most thoughts your reality. Did you know that the larger part of human comunication actually takes place on a subconcious level. So whatever your subconcious mind is saying makes up a large part of how others percieve you. Almost like a subconscious body language, these communications are emmited and those around us pick it up.

Luckily there are definate and effective ways by which you can correct this negative mental programming and begin to change the subconscious communication which you are giving out to others.

Why not take a look at this article, perhaps it will explain what I am saying better:
Brainwave Programmer an Effective Panic Disorder Treatment | Panic Attacks


Well-known member
Frankly I'd be too humiliated to ask my controlling parents for that kind of help. I'd go so far to say that they need therapy more than me.

You said that you can't figure it out - that means it's time to ask for help.

You need help from someone on the outside, who can look at the whole situation and tell you what's going on.

That's why I wrote "impartial" - not your parents.

Since you graduated from high school and are in college, I'm assuming you're at least 18 years old.

That means you don't have to ask your parents.

You're a grown-up now - time to look after yourself.

The good thing is you can now give yourself the care you need, even if you haven't received it before.