Do you ever feel like you're being lied to?

I often feel like people are faking interest or faking their friendship or relationship with me because it makes them feel better about themselves. I wouldn't doubt it, I'm quite a strange person, and seeing by the way people kinda nod when I say something they don't seem interested in... I just feel like I'm being lied to. All the time. Does anyone else feel like this? I feel like everything is fake and pretentious. I even have a hard time believing that some of the people on this website actually have some sort of social phobia or depression of mental illness, etc. It's not because you don't show it, or you don't have clear symptoms. It's because I just don't trust it. I feel like a lot of what is told to me or portrayed to me is lies and pretentious banter. I wish I didn't feel this way, I'm sure that people are more genuine than they seem but I can't help but force myself to be paranoid about anything. Does anyone else feel this way? Does anyone else feel that they are lied to by everyone and everything?

Thank you for reading. I'll try to trust in what you all have to say. I respect that people take this sight very seriously or at least show respect for some of the very problematic posts that I've read on here.


Good question.

I have stern policy to not do it, although there are fringe white lies to use.

I have two comments: pretending that everything is fine, for a mum to tell a youngun. Worst type of lie which becomes clear when the child matures. 'Don't know' is a perfect answer, when it's true, and to watch out for your own looping mistakes, leaving lies exposed.

Mainly, I'm prone to the delight of being invited to interview in a regular placebo situation, when it becomes clear that 'people who want to see you' were told to learn from what the introducer / researcher agent told them to reinforce their discovery that you won't want this person. Just try their approach and pry with awkward, annoying questions and see what happens.

I feel like a caged animal. It's hard to turn down an fantasy 'oppy tune it eeeee' when these compound over the years. It's an addiction to fuel, as others benefit


Well-known member
I don't trust people easily, I tend to believe peoples words rather than their actions though, because their actions could mean anything. at least with words its black and white ,they are either honest or a liar.