Do you ever avoid men or women you like?


Well-known member
Yes. Why can't humanity just be honest with one another? Being truthful is encouraged on one hand, but what we actaully do and how we behave says differently. Why all the deception and games? I say if you like someone, let them know. Or if you only find them sexually attractive, then lay it on the line. Either they respond in a positive manner, or you get shot down. I am most of the time an honest person, even been told I'm TO honest, or blunt. It works one of two ways. Either you get laid or hook up, or get looked at like an *******. From my experience, people don't wan't real honesty. They like to be bull****ted a little.


Well-known member
Yes. If they know about my lack of a life Im screwed. Needless to say they dont like me for very long. The other day a girl who I knew liked me asked me to help her move something. I did it and left. I feel like an idiot. She hasnt called me back.

The Lost

Well-known member
Yeah I do this. When I'm around them I cease up completely, I don't know how to act. Sometimes I'm on the defensive and come across as cold. Best thing is to avoid them.
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Well-known member
There was this girl I worked with whom I liked but never had the courage to ask out. I couldn't say hi or make eye contact with her either after a while because I'd get nervous. To add insult to injury, one of my co-workers did ask her out and she said yes. Now it doesn't really matter anyway since she's moved to another store.The moral of the story is that my life sucks.