Do meds actually work?


New member
Im thinking about consulting my physician about my social phobia. However, I would like to know beforehand if any sp medications actually work. :?:


Well-known member
I have tried several medications for depression, and none of them had a positive effect on me: Zoloft, Remeron, Celexa, Paxil. Neither my depression nor my SA were lessened by these medications. What doesn't work for one person may well work for another. The only thing you can do is give it a try. Hope it works for you :) .


Active member
I was on Paroxetine (Paxil, I prefer using the chemical rather than brand name, which are different for each country) for just over three years. I did feel better during this time, but I don't know whether it was the medication or just things in my life improving.

I started feeling bad again and I was slowly taken off it, then slowly started new medication (Venlafaxine & Mirtazapine). When taken off the Paroxetine I felt a lot better. During the past year I feel my life has taken a downturn. If what I am on now is supposed to make me feel better, I shudder to think what I would be like without it.

For me it is just too difficult to determine whether medication is making any difference. Only an unbiased third party can make that observation. But I would recommend anyone with problems get help, if it doesn't work at least you know you tried. When someone gets a disease sometimes treatment works and sometimes it doesn't. I believe this is the same for either physical or mental illnesses.


YES, they work! They helped turn my life around from depression and improve my SA. But there is not a one size fits all solution. Usually you will need a combination of meds and experiment with what dosage. Find a good doctor who really take their time to get to know you and your history. Some don't seem to really care and just prescription writers.

So be patient and give it a chance. If you don't like it you can always stop. After several years in therapy and refusing meds, I realized that I need something more. Now I take Effexor and Wellbutrin with very few side effects. Good luck!



Well-known member
meds will never remove the root of social phobia, so does alcohol and drugs. it is never a physical problem,but meds can relieve your symptoms,also it will cause many side effects. I used to take a lot of medication, but to be frank, i didn't feel any effects at that time except sleepy all the time,hope your medication will help you
thesadclown said:
Im thinking about consulting my physician about my social phobia. However, I would like to know beforehand if any sp medications actually work. :?:

I wonder the same thing... I seriously feel like i have no hope. One thing that i have is also anxiety which...i pee all the time(since i was 9) i am 16 now. It is really bothering me...and i can't never be in peace because of it.


Meds "work" by removing the effect/symptoms of social phobia. However, there are no specific guarantees as to how well they might work and which side effects might be associated with them. As such, they are a risk.

I would suggest looking at real solutions to the root cause of the problem and work from there. Something like SA is deep-rooted, but there are solutions out there. Millions of people have permanently eliminated their SA. Please keep looking for YOUR solution...