Been on a few forums lately for help and advice and I'm still not sure I'm in the right place.....
My doctor has put me on the waiting list for CBTherapy, I always thought I was just prone to feeling down and I have been on anti-depressants in the past and I used to suffer from panic attacks although I havent had one for years now. I always thought I was just a bit more sensative than the average person with regard to what people thought of me, I cant have a conversation with someone (other than people I know well) without worrying what they think of me or saying something stupid but I've been like that ever since I can remember.
My main issues in life at the moment:
I have an intense fear of driving (the list of things that could go wrong are endless)
Fear of returning to work (interviews, getting job and not being able to do it properly and looking stupid, answering the telephone.........)
My nerves are constantly on edge - I even jump out of my skin when the post comes through the letterbox or the phone rings
I've been a Full Time Mum for 6 years and I now need to get a job but my fears are holding me back
My heart is thumping like mad now even just thinking of these things.
I just dont know if what I feel is classed as social phobia because I dont have panic attacks anymore, I just get the 'flight or flee' feeling whenever I'm in a situation I dread, and I'm just tired of worrying about what people think of me all the bloody time!
I'm even worrying about posting on here - you might just think I'm just a winge but what I feel is intense to me. I could go on but I wont :wink:
My doctor has put me on the waiting list for CBTherapy, I always thought I was just prone to feeling down and I have been on anti-depressants in the past and I used to suffer from panic attacks although I havent had one for years now. I always thought I was just a bit more sensative than the average person with regard to what people thought of me, I cant have a conversation with someone (other than people I know well) without worrying what they think of me or saying something stupid but I've been like that ever since I can remember.
My main issues in life at the moment:
I have an intense fear of driving (the list of things that could go wrong are endless)
Fear of returning to work (interviews, getting job and not being able to do it properly and looking stupid, answering the telephone.........)
My nerves are constantly on edge - I even jump out of my skin when the post comes through the letterbox or the phone rings
I've been a Full Time Mum for 6 years and I now need to get a job but my fears are holding me back
My heart is thumping like mad now even just thinking of these things.
I just dont know if what I feel is classed as social phobia because I dont have panic attacks anymore, I just get the 'flight or flee' feeling whenever I'm in a situation I dread, and I'm just tired of worrying about what people think of me all the bloody time!
I'm even worrying about posting on here - you might just think I'm just a winge but what I feel is intense to me. I could go on but I wont :wink: