Do I have social phobia?


New member
Hi. I have always been pretty shy and all, but I have never blush or sweat this much and this often. Lately, I have start to get facial blushing (my cheeks turn bright red) and I sweat alot ( hands and face/nose) even when a teacher talks to me or asks me a question. I usually do get nervous doing presentations and stuff, but am not that shy to this extreme.

I am very worried and don't know what to do. Do I have social phobia or is it something else?


Well-known member
Hello! My first post to this forum had exactly the same title! And the answers I got were that nobody here could tell that for sure. Now I say the same thing to you: Nobody here can tell that for sure! You can go to a psychologist or something,or you can read the symptoms and see what you have. If your symptoms affect your daily life and make you feel bad,then maybe you have it.


Well-known member

You DO NOT have a social phobia.

What you are suffering from however is anxiety (what everyone deals with on varying degrees).

You would be amazed if you could hear people's thoughts, anxiety is so common.

As you grow up and get older, you become more aware of it because its like your mind has learnt to think in certain ways. And these bad mental habits make our anxiety arise almost spontaneously.

The mind of anxiety arises mainly due to our familiarity with it which is why you may refer to yourself as shy but 'not to this extreme' because the anxiety is worsening as of late.

Of course, this may be due to many things going on in your life. You are being tested more thats all, try not to worry.

The secret to overcoming anxiety is to completely disbelieve that the external situation is frightening you or making you nervous, its a state of mind which arises and passes away. An inner roller coaster which isnt that bad. Try slowing down and not dwelling on the anxiety that arises, just experience it and cease to be afraid of it.
