Do I have social anxiety?


New member
Hiya,I'm a 19 year old girl and I have always been quite shy, but only when I have to directly interact with people, for example I could give a speech easily or stand on a stage in front of lots of people..but the thought of having to make conversation with a new person would scare me!!

I am at college at the moment and I tend to come across as confident and smiley but sometimes I find myself deliberatley avoiding going into the common room or the kitchen just because it would mean having to interact with people.

I am fine when I am with my close friends from home, but I cannot seem to make new friends at college as I assume people don't want to talk to me and my shyness comes across as me being stuck up and snooty. as instead of going over to talk to someone, i will look the other way. Like if i see someone i vaguely know on the bus, i will deliberatley look the other way and pretend i didnt see them instead of having to sit and talk to them. It's not that i dont want to talk to them...its just i dont know what to say.!

I also have a strange thing about walking around on my own in public, if people seem to look at me or whatever, i immediatley assume there is something on my face...or I have forgotten to put on a skirt (or something embarrassing like that - although this has never happened to me in real life)...sometimes it gets to the extent where i will go and look in the mirror just to make sure!! :oops:

I just get frustrated as I can't make conversation and I am too shy to go and just talk to someone..or join any societies or anything. I feel like such a loner :cry:


Well-known member
Yes, from how you described yourself, it sure sounds like social anxiety.It affects people in different ways. You should see a professional to get a true diagnosis of your symtoms. With me,making a speech or speaking in front of a classroom is one of the most difficult things to do. But talking to strangers or small groups of people isn't so bad. Best of luck to you.



it seems to me that you suffer from this condition but a very mild version though. Believe me, for the majority of us, it would be unthinkable to make a public speech.


Active member
You certainly exhibit some SP and even OCD tendencies, but really, I think what you're experiencing falls under the heading of shyness.

I mean, I know shy people that aren't social phobics at all, and vice versa, so it isn't that I'm saying social phobia is nothing more than severe shyness. On the other hand, I see social phobia as something so extreme that it restricts your ability to date, make friends, go to work, or attend social functions, and ultimately enjoy life to the extent that you pretty much can't or are left making a lot of sacrifices nevertheless. I don't know much about you, but you don't seem to be at that place in your life. It seems like you're just struggling to adjust to new people, environments, and circumstances. Most people eventually get a handle on such challenges and learn to thrive. A social phobic, on the other hand, probably won't unless he or she is given the right treatment.

That said, if you want a real diagnosis, go to a professional.