Do I have social anxiety or AvPD?


New member
I am wondering if I have been misdiagnosed, because although they're similar, the symptoms of AvPD are more like how I behave.

I have noticed that I tend to avoid social situations a lot, because I don't enjoy socialising and maybe to prevent myself from getting hurt. I really want to form intimate relationships with the opposite gender, but always feel like they'd never like me, so I back away. I am highly self-concious and need a mirror with me wherever I go otherwise I get really paranoid and feel like panicking. I do have low self esteem and I feel like I don't know how to socialise with people or keep friendships. I push people away when they end up getting too close to me and I find it extremely difficult to trust. I over think every thing that was said to me, whether it was positive or negative, to try and work out what they meant. I constantly need to be reassured about positive things, even then I turn it into a negative thing. I isolate myself from the world because the though of socialising depresses me. I am really defensive and take things to heart because I feel like they're attacking me. When I'm on holidays, sometimes I don't leave the house for a week. I also noticed that I go from really liking a friend to hating them for no reason in particular, I just over think I guess. Finally I daydream so an escapism, like fantasising successful social situations.

Another thing I noticed is I only tend to be extremely shy and anxious around people I don't know or people I feel are higher up or me or older. If I know people I am really talkative and get hyper quite a lot. I do have very sudden mood swings though. If someone irritates me, my happiness goes straight to anger.

Do I actually have social anxiety like I was diagnosed or Avoidant personality disorder?
Or something else?