DO I HAVE SOCIAL ANXIETY/ and does ganja help it


it is been killing me for a year now.DO I AHVE SA OR NOT? that is the question that keeps coming in my head and i have been scared to ask because if i was to get a reply saying i have that would have doubled my anxiety. but i will tell about my self and can u tell me what u tink anxiety or paranoia. i will keep it breif. i am a 17 year old asin living in the u.k. i have moved home about 4 times and have never been able to become part of a group OUTSIDE SCHOOL becasue i havent had the time. but i was always extreemly popular. i never had fears of speaking in class or any of the sort i would say i was a normal kid. but i would get told that i get nervous when asking people for help in stores.??? its only since i have started smoking ganja. i have been smoking for a year adn a half not regular mostly on the weekends and i think that has fuked me up. again i am very popular in school and have a number of friends and for once i have freinds outside school who i go out with. i have no problems with them i speek to them normally and everyting is normal. i speek up in class like no mans business and have enev been classed as over enthusiastic. but there are problems. i can keep eye contact with people but it can be hard, i sweat occasionally but only when i am really anxious like anyone else would be. the major thig is my anxiety levels. they always seem to be fine when i am not high. when i am high i start to stutter and become very anxious paranoid etc u no the effects. the thing is also when it comes to speeking to new people like in my new work place especially girls i find it hard to create conversation like if i am tired but sometimes i am fine and find it easy and sometimes i find it hard. like i cant think of anything to talk about sometimes because i seem the opposite of imperior to them. like i am week compared to them. i hate having this hanging over my life i want to move on and want to find out what i rong with me. also may i add how many people here get anxious whne going to parties etc, i never get that unless i was stoned. but even when i am not stoned sometimes i get anxious not majorly but minorly in my workplace when i walk in late or something. my school life is fine and i never get anxious but other situatuions make me nervous when its like a have an obligation to say something not majorly nervous no way near a panic attack but just enuf to make me uncomfortable. . with indians u see u have to fit in i cant tell my mum or my dad or my bo or anyone because were not like english people who can be whatever personality type they like we have to be not the same but similiar. just the way we are. so please after analysing this info could you give your verdicts and advice please i need some help. jsut give me ur opinions

p.s my bro i am nearly sure has S.A
let me jsut add another p.s. never start cannabis it fucks u up depending on the person u are i dont enjoy it anymore i need it. it was fun at first but i dint no the implication of the after effectd


Well-known member
ive defgot SA for 2 yrs now i smoke 2 and at 1st it was greatand i was totally comfortable but lately its not doing much of anything 4 me i guess thats when ppl go 2 worse drugs. evry1 says smokig brings out or increases mental disorderes- prob so.


I haven’t read anything about the effects of pot on SA, so I can only tell you about first hand experience. I’ve had SA for about ten years now, and for the last year I’ve been using medical marijuana to treat it. Whenever I feel a panic attack or something coming on I use it. It doesn’t “cure” it or make it go away, but it gives me a chance to get a new perspective on what’s happening hand lets me work myself through it. So it has helped me.

On the other hand, lately when I get high I sometimes get flashes like a panic attack is about to start, or I freak out about something that doesn’t normally affect me. So I think pot can work both ways, depending on where your head is at when you’re using it.


I use it specifically for panic and anxiety attacks, but I've always seen those as symptoms of my SA.

As for legally... it's about as legal as it gets right now. I live in California (where marijuana is already decriminalized) so I won't get in trouble with local athourities, but marijuana is still illegal in the US, so if the feds wanted to bust me they could.

If you're interested, and live in a state that recognizes medical marijuana, you should look into it. There's a lot of info on the NORML website.


sorry i did not catch it i dont want to go to a doctor for my diagnosis i jsut want ur opinions on if u think i have sa or not accoriding to firs tfirst post???


Well-known member
i wish i lived in a state where it waslegalbut idont think oklahoma is, is it? i dot get what makes medical marijauna different from normal, u get it free or something?


Active member
Marajuana is very bad for SA both short and long term.

The main chemical of marajuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol).

It causes these problems to occur long or short term depending on how often you use the drug.

Problems with memory and learning
Distorted perception
Difficulty with thinking and problem solving
Loss of coordination
Increased heart rate
Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks

Alot of people have triggered SA and other mental health problems smoking this drug. Cocaine/speed and extasy have a very bad long term depression sympton too. keep away from drugs if u want to get better.


jimbo07 It does sound like you have SA, and Marajuana is making it worse. It sounds like you have a lot of things going on in your life that trigger your SA and pot is only making it worse. I would recomend starying away from it for at least a month to get it all out of your system and then see how you feel.

Also, even though you may not want to go to a doctor, I would recomend it. It took me about three years before I was able to admit I needed help, and I still look back on that as wasted time. I'm not trying to tell you that medication is the answer, but talking to someone who deals with SA on a professional level may give you new perspective.


DYiNG-iNSiDE: I just checked, and right now the only states that recognize medical marijuana are Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

Oklahoma is actually one of the more strict states when it comes to pot laws. Possession of any amount or even any paraphaniella can get you up to a year in jail, so be careful.

Having a perscription for marijuana is fundamentally the same as having a perscription for any medication, so you still have to pay for it. Also you can't give it to any person who does not have a perscription, just like you can't give away vicoden or oxycotin even if you have a perscription. The big difference is you get to purchase it from recognized dispeniaries, which is a lot easier than trying to buy it on the street.

I'm sure no one want this thread to turn into a Marijuana debate, so if you have anymore questions, contact me through my profile and I would be happy to answer them.


but i dont understand then how come i talk for the world in my lessons i see people here that are shy. i am not shy i just get anxious when i have had a spliff. but i think its the marjuana any way. give me ur opinions please; :D


New member
I was diagnosed with social phobia/anxiety and depression when i was 14. I'm now 29. So i've had to deal with it for a long time.
From everything u have said..i don't think u do have social anxiety.
But i'm no dr. So can't say that for sure.
What u describe sounds like normal anxiety in certain situations. Everyone experiences some sort of anxiety or nervousness about something in their life.
However u could very well be starting to develop social phobia or anxiety because of ur cannabis use.
I would say the marijuana is causing u to feel paranoid (and it can still have this effect for qutie a while after, even when u haven't smoked).
U say u have no problems speaking up in class etc. Someone with social phobia/anxiety would most likely not be able to do this or if forced to would probably have a panic attack or another bad reaction.
If u are interested in seeing what social phobia has been like for is a link to a video i did on it on youtube:
It is in 2 parts..the 2nd part of the vid u can find by clicking on the vid response i posted to the 1st vid...or just go to my channel and search the vids there. I will add tho that right now i'm not replying to messages on youtube as i'm overloaded and spiraled down so low right now i can barely function properly.
Do some searches on other peoples video's too. Read the comments others have left in reply to vids..this could be helpful too.

Also i have to say i totally disagree with nwsamurai. "Medical" marijuana is definately going to cause anyone's anxiety, depression or mental illness to be worse. Or can actually cause someone who has never experienced these things to then have these disorders. Do a search on google, the evidence for this is pretty strong. Any dr, psychiatrist or psychologist will tell u the same thing...unless they are delusional and are on drugs themselves.
I started smoking pot and doing pretty much every drug except heroin when i was 20 or 21.
It has most definately left permanent damage. I talk a bit about marijuana/pot in some of my vids there too.
I have abused drugs for a number of years (and still stuff up, as i did not long ago) as a way to try and feel numb or simply because it makes me feel happy.
When i first started smoking i would quite often get a lot of paranoia and anxiety. Gradually i got use to it from smoking so much for so long.
But i do not suggest this at all. It will only cause things to get worse in the long run.
People that tell u marijuana is fine and nothing to worry about are just kidding themselves. They are making excuses to give them a reason to keep smoking.

Here are a few links...but i suggest u do some more research on it urself too. Don't just take my word for it. Hope u find this a little helpful in some way.
Take care!


Well-known member
thats rlly cool, i had no idea pot couldb prescribed 4 SA, i thought just 4 like cancer n stuff but u prob gotta b older than 16 2 get it prescribed