Do i have SA?


New member
Hey, I have a good group of friends and a busy social life and to most people probably seem like a normal girl. However, inside i am a bit of a mess. Even though i have a good social life, i get extremely nervous and feel very self-conscious before going out, walking into pubs and clubs and talking to people - especially people i don't know. I also find shopping and going anywhere where i feel people will look at me difficult. This makes me sweat a lot, but have become good at covering this up mainly by wearing black! I say i have friends, however i often have trouble believing that these people are my friends and do actually like me, which i know is irrational thinking because i have no reason to think otherwise. When i meet new people, i always assume that they don't like me, and i fear not being liked. I hate the idea of people looking at me and judging me and finding faults in me. I have become good at covering up and ignoring my feelings of anxiety when i am out with people, however when i get back home it often gets me down and i wonder why i can't just be normal like the rest of my friends and get rid of all the irrational thoughts that go through my head.
Is this SA?


Well-known member
Describes me in a nutshell

Yeah i would say its social anxiety disorder or close to it.Your description pretty much nails what i feel like ALL the time.


New member
Re: Describes me in a nutshell

rko74 said:
Yeah i would say its social anxiety disorder or close to it.Your description pretty much nails what i feel like ALL the time.