Do I have OCD?


New member
Hi, I am new here, and I need some help. I would like to know if I have OCD or whatever it is. I am a straight married male (and I mean I am 100% hetrosexual) But I have this uncontrollable obsession to look at men in their groin area, I can't control my eyes from going there, no matter how much I try, I have trouble from doing this. It is intermittent, and doesn't happen all the time, but you can understand the embarrasment this causes. This has caused me so much internal pain, because it has made my life hell. First off let me again stress I am not gay, have no desire for men, the thought actually makes me grossed out. Even if I was gay, that kind of behavior would be weird. I don't know what to do, I almost feel suicidal sometimes. It is so hard to carry this burden around. I know this is odd but please someone help if you can. One other thing that is of note is sometimes when I talk to women, I stare at their breast in the same uncontrollable way, but this doesn't happen as often. If this was the only problem, I might be able to live with but seriously if anyone has heard of this before or knows of any treatment please let me know. Thank you in advance.


Well-known member
I really don't have any advice because i'm not sure if that ocd or not but I think the best course of action would be to seek some professional help with your problem as embarrassing as it my be and see what they have to say about it.Good luck.


Well-known member
I don't understand how that'd be OCD in any way, lol. But OMG, I do the same!! I have to consciously try to keep my eyes off of that area of the people I talk to and try my hardest to make eye contact with them.