Do I have OCD??



Do you think I have a mild form of OCD? Here are my symptoms:

1. I always have a song stuck in my head... ALWAYS!!!! It is usually the same song for
about 15 minutes and then it changes when I think of something else. The only time there
is not one in my head is when I am talking or really focused on something.

2. I ride horses, and I HAVE to have the barn and arena organized and everything swept and put away. Also in the tackroom of the horse trailer (where I keep my saddles, brushes, etc.) it is very organized and if it is not I get very anxious and can't think because I am thinking about cleaning it. If I can't clean it, I look forward to the time when I can clean it, not necessarily because I like cleaning, but because it just needs to be that way.

3. Everything in my desk at school it perfectly straight and organized, see I am not a germaphobic at all, as long as it is organized it is fine. I will stand there long past the time that it straight and still "straighten it".

4. I always worry that I will get sick, if I have a headache I think I have a brain bleed or a tumor. I always worry about the safety of my family, pets and myself.

5. I constantly doubt myself, things like zipping a backpack or locking a door. I will check and re-check. I always think that is I don't re-read something or go back and do something or get something I feel like I have too or something bad will happen or I will never get to again, especially with asking things, I will feel like I will never be able to ask it again.

6. I obsess over things like making sure that my hair and clothes are perfect, but not only to make me look good, it a real just "make it perfect" thing.

7. I am a perfectionist, if something isn't right or doesn't look god, I do it over. That effects school and i get very frustrated when I am riding my horse and I don't get something right.

8. I don't like to put things in number order if I had random number cards I would put them all messed up. I dislike using numbers like 10, 5, 15, etc. but I hate to finish a list like this on on a 12 or anything other than something that ends in a 5 or 0. I like to use numbers like, 7, 13, 18, 16 and so on.

9. Say I have cards - 6 purple, 4 green, 5 blue, (haha, even with that I don't want to go, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. for this!) I wouldn't put two purple together or put one purple, then a green then a purple again, too patterny for me.

10. I collect useless things like pop cans and candy wrappers... I don't like to throw anything away in fear of needing it again.. I still have school papers (not projects) from 2 years ago. I am a pack-rat, but I could never be a hoarder because, again, that is way too unorganized.

11. I am trying to get to 15 because I don't want to end on 11.

12. If I saw, chew things on one side of my mouth, the other side has to be even, not always, this isn't too bad.

13. I start thinking of something, and then start over, and over and over, this is really weird to me.

14. I forget a lot of simple things and bite the skin around my nails (not sure if those are symptoms or not??)

15. Ahh. We got to 15. I actually just relaxed because of that. I am often stressed out, anxious and stressed. I have frequent headaches too.

Right now I am stressing because I am afraid I may not of mentioned all my symptoms because I can't remember some.

One way this all helps me is that I do well in school because I complete my work nicely and thoroughly.

Do ya think I have OCD??