Do I have OCD?


New member
I'm not sure if this is OCD :confused:. I don't want to go to the doctors for no reason, so I thought I would post it on here. Mine are fairly different from the other things I've read on here, so thought I'd just ask separately ::p:
There are quite a lot, so this might be long.
I have this weird thing with patterns. When there are patterns on carpets or curtains or whatever I stare at them for ages and make other patterns out of the patterns. It's very annoying. I do this without knowing I'm doing it -sort of. Or I do, but I can't really stop doing it (I haven't really tried).
Sometimes, when people are talking or there are people talking on TV, I take a sentence and line up all the words (in my head). I do this for ages, too, and it gets very annoying. I just can't get it out of my head. I sometimes can't sleep because of doing this (it doesn't have to be something I'm watching or hearing at the time... it might be something I watched/heard hours ago).
I get scared when I'm in the house by myself at night (when my partner goes to work), I have to keep re-checking the doors to see if I locked them & check each room (& in the shower) to see if anyone's there. Then when I'm about to go to bed I have to check in the cupboards and under the bed first and then the doors again. If I don't do this I can't stop thinking about it and have to get up and do it.
I'm really scared of werewolves. I think this started as a child and I know they don't exist but I have a really good imagination and can almost 'see' them... like I imagine what it'd be like to see one when I go into a dark room or something and then I get scared that if I keep thinking about it I'll eventually make myself see things like that (is that still an OCD thing? I don't know.. I've never heard of anyone having that sort of thing :confused:).
Sometimes (though I haven't done this one for a while now) when I'm walking and I step on a line in the pavement or flooring I have to step on the same amount with each foot otherwise my feet feel 'different' from each other. There's this whole long way I have to do this to make it even lol (it goes, if right foot was first, right, left, left, right, left, right, right, left, left, right, right, left, right, left, left, right, left, right, right, left, left, right, right, left, right, left, left, right...or something like that... it's more difficult when typing it).
Ummm there are others, but I'll leave it at that for now. Oh, well, I have to check behind the toilet before going. I remember why-it was because there was a TV show I once saw about when spiders live behind the toilet lid and bite people.
Anyway, anyone know if I'm crazy ? ::p:


Its only diagnosed as OCD if your obsessions and or compulsions take up to or more than 1 hour of your time a day.


Well-known member
That is definitely OCD-like behavior, but like Noca said it has to be time consuming for it to be OCD. From what I read it sounds like you waste alot of time doing this shit.


Well-known member
The official criteria is that your obsessions and/or compulsions take up at least one hour of your day and interfere with your normal activities.

But unofficially I have found that when people say "I have to do this" without any other explanation, it usually seems to be OCD.


New member
Thanks for the replies. And, yeah, I def take up an hour or more while doing this. Sometimes I don't realise how much time has passed (but it's alot)