Do i have a social anxiety disorder?


Active member
hey was just wondering if i should see someone about my shyness. Its not as if i isolate myself in my house i just hate being around people who arn't friends (i only have a few). When in a public place i feel as though everyone is looking at me and mocking me and has got to the point where i worry about going to even the smallest shops. when i sit in Assembly at school (even if im with my friends) i feel as though people are looking at me and i start to sweat, i have been told i go red sometimes, my temperature seems to rise and my body stiffens and jolts slightly.

i avoid all social gathering, even those with just my friends because i just can't socialize. I don't know what to talk about and feel as though the things i would say they would make fun of me. i am just the one who fade into the background to try and avoid embarrassment.

i now get home and spend most of my time upstairs by myself, i will occasionally hang out with a couple of close friends who i feel comfortable around. alcohol also seems to help a bit but being 16 i don't drink that often.

i have probably missed a couple of things but you can probably get the idea. just wondering if anyone can suggest my next steps?????


Well-known member
I'd say that you do have some social anxiety. Perhaps you can find a therapist who specializes in social anxiety? As for now, you can post on the forum to see how other people with the same problem cope.

x Will x

Well-known member
You probably have near enough the same level of anxiety as I do and although you do hang out with close friends, you do have anxiety to the point where you find it debilitating. its a good idea to see someone about it, for me they were much more helpful than I expected.


Well-known member
It depends how you feel. You mentioned having a couple of close friends, which is fantastic, you do not have to have millions of all comes down about you feel about it