Do girls like facial hair on guys?


I was wondering what girls think of guys with facial hair, like a mustache, goatee, etc. Is it sexy, cute, ugly, or whatever? or do you prefer clean shaven.


Well-known member
FoXTAiL said:
I was wondering what girls think of guys with facial hair, like a mustache, goatee, etc. Is it sexy, cute, ugly, or whatever? or do you prefer clean shaven.

It depends more or less on the guy's appearance I guess. Some suit it perfectly, others don't. Make sure to keep it trimmed though, overly grown beards and mustaches are usually or at least i.m.o a big no-no... :wink:


Well-known member
FoXTAiL said:
I was wondering what girls think of guys with facial hair, like a mustache, goatee, etc. Is it sexy, cute, ugly, or whatever? or do you prefer clean shaven.

If you are not sure, I say stick to the tried and tested roman fashion.. (shaved)
Personally I find beard and/or mustache only suit rather phisically imposing, self confident type of men. When that is not the case, I think it tends to look like a failed attempt to look more like a "real man" (whatever the meaning of it). Of course, it need not be always the case, and it could be that you actually look great with it. But in case of doubt, I would tend to avoid it..


Well-known member
Here where i live almost nobody shaves completely. Either trimmed (whether extremely or just normal and majority do that) or just make it grow.


FoXTAiL said:
I was wondering what girls think of guys with facial hair, like a mustache, goatee, etc. Is it sexy, cute, ugly, or whatever? or do you prefer clean shaven.

I like beards (but no mustache) escpecially if its just a mustache. don't like that much
moustaches are an instant turn-off.
full beards are as well.
i'm partial to the "i haven't shaved in a couple days" look.
but most facial hair is pretty nasty, in my opinion.


Active member
I don't even have a choice... i don't have any facial hair yet. well i have some peach fuzz i like to call it in some areas, and under my nose it is actually starting to get thicker. i'm almost 19 and don't grow facial hair. isn't that sad? :oops: :(


Active member
I love facial hair. It can vary some, not too grizzly bear style, but yeah, it tickles.... and i like that. My bf actually has to beg me to let him shave sometimes. I also prefer men that have hair on their chest as well.