

Well-known member
hello, im a longtime sufferer of hyperhidrosis, ive had the ets surgery , but the increased chest and back sweating is ruining my life!! im using avert but its not helping me,, it worked for a month or so but its not now. i wanna try ditropan, but when ive tried it in the past the side effects prevented me from continuing, such as extreme tiredness, dizziness, confusion. so im open to trying ditropan again , or probanthine???? but i want to know if anyone is out there that has used ditropan successfully long term?? by the way im taking from 8 -12 mg a day!! of avert more than the maximum recommended dose but im in a very extreme hot and humid climate (se asia) so?? any suggestions out there? sometimes the avert works if i take it early and dont eat for a while but after lunch or dinner i can get no satisfaction from the avert if i go out at nite im soaking wet !!!! help me!!!!! please!!!! thank you guys.
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Well-known member
well, I think ditropan works a charm in drying you up, but like you mentioned the side effects are just HORRIBLE. I really can't recommend it for anyone, but I'd say why don't you try probanthine? I don't have any experience with it, but I'd advise anything over ditro since it's also been told that it has long term side effects like permanent memory damage.