i don't know..
I guess I grew up in a different environment and a different age.
Since I was young people called me shy. "Aww he's shy". "aww your shy." I would never be the Quietest kid in school or anything, but I wasn't all that social.. I guess cause I played sports, it really wasn't a problem to most people... They just thought I was shy..
I knew some kids who didn't play sports and were shy and sometimes they got harassed or made fun of. It was kind of sad.
People rarely did that to me cause I really never would take crap from people.. I was never a person who would argue, but I would have no problem breaking your nose. So people just thought I was the weird quiet guy.
But I hated being quiet and shy. I even moved in high school and it was no different in the new school. I was still quiet.
So after High school I did everything in my power to overcome it and I guess run from it.. I moved away, started a new life, tried to hide from people who knew me in the past who considered me Shy.
But as time went on, it really didn't matter.. In interviews the room would start spinning and I'd get all sweaty... I used tell my friends I was high or drunk when I went to interviews..
Cause they never understood how I couldn't get a job like they did... Getting a job was always hard for me and it sucked. I didn't know somebody who would just hire me so I had to go through the interview processes.
As i got older, i think i got a little better, but even as i moved up in my career, my one boss told me "i'm kinda shy." That doesn't bode well when promotions or bonuses come about. But it was in IT, so i didn't have to be a social butterfly.
Things started to change over the years as people in IT were required to interact more with non-tech people.. I don't have a problem with talking to people all the time, but I was not looked at as a great team player because I didn't hold small talk or speak to others that often...
I said hello, what's up and so on, but I never sat down and made friends with everybody... It seemed many times that was more important than actually working hard.
But the truth was, I just thought I was shy.
I didn't really know anything until a couple years ago, started doing some research and realized that most of the symptoms of SA fit me..
So unlike some people on this forum, I really didn't know about SA or SP until i was almost 29 years old.