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Well-known member
Do anything funny this week?

There was a big meeting on at work, and when I went for lunch, the kitchen was full of people, leaning against the fridge and the microwave eating, I managed to get my lunch from the fridge, but I was too scared to use the microwave...so I did something gross....I took my lunch out to the lunch room, and ate some of the vegetables frozen instead of heating them, and ate some chicken cold.....before I came to my senses..... :oops: :oops: I'll never eat frozen food again....Just thought I'd share this weeks little adventure :oops:


Well-known member
I know where you are coming from Emma!

It's crazy how SP can make us make the most drastic of compromises. But it's good that you came to your senses, and I hope you weren't ill from eating the frozen food!


Well-known member
I mean funny as in weird, not funny as in haha....... :roll: :roll: :roll:
Otherwise I would have said did you do anything AMUSING :roll: :roll:


I make up funny songs about stuff...


A fourth a cup of raisins you're my only friend,

a fourth a cup of raisins you'll be with me till the end

a fourth a cup of raisins, how do?

a fourth a cup of raisins, 'bout you?