

Well-known member
I have often wondered about the therapeutic affects of desensitization. Could being exposed to the very things we fear help us over come these fears. I think yes. Step by step. Then complete exposure to our worst fears. Possibly not available in a forum environment. However criticism is always available in this environment. My point being. Let’s expose ourselves to the worse criticism in these forums for our benefit. Desensitization they call it.

Who wants to go first?????

Any takers

Just label your topic "criticise me"

Then leave the rest to us.

The theory being that after so much criticism the subject becomes resilient


Well-known member
I'm too much of a pussy to want to pound anyone down, but you're right. The more conflict you face, the more it works like reverse psychology. Afterward you realize the worst has happened and it's over... and nothing else can really happen.


Well-known member
Never worked for me, or anyone else I know has done it for that matter. In my opinion there is too much desensitization around anyway.

Constructive criticism maybe, and well... understanding and acceptance. Theres nothing heartfelt I can say bad about anyone here anyway (other than the fools posting who-knows-what-obscene-pictures).

So the idea is for the person in question to start a new topic where in everyone flames them, hmm?


Well-known member
Well that was the idea.
Deliberately exposing yourself to criticism until it no longer bothers you.
I am aware that this could back fire (reduce ones self esteem even more)
The basis for this is a theory I have. Many successful people (Particularly actors) have had challenging childhoods. Perhaps they were desensitized to criticism.


Well-known member
Correct Doomed. I mean after so much criticism, who knows how one will react. Please, from now on just criticize me. Just have a go at me. It's ok. I'll tell you when I've had enough. Vent your anger towards me please.

Iam willing to be the sacrificial lamb. I'll let you know how it goes. So from now on please just ridicule me
I'll start it. Johno is a total fuckwit...


New member
I don't like the idea of criticizing others, it usually lowers not only the other persons self-esteem but at the same time your own. But sometimes it is necessary.

If I were to criticize people on this forum (from the posts I've read), and others with SP, I would call most of you pathetic. I just think S.A. is pathetic in general and people who have it reflect that. From the posts on this board I think most people would agree with me... and yes, I include myself as being pathetic... I have trouble peeing in public and looking people in the eye....

so you're pathetic Johno... and I am too.