demented dreams...

Rise Against

Well-known member
Lately ive been having some pretty screwed up dreams. The other night i dreamed that I was being held hostage and i ended up getting shot, and then the bad guys got in an SUV and ran my head over.

I also had a dream that I was swimming at the pool and for some reason i got my head trapped in the filter and drowned.

Last night i had the worst dream. I got kidnapped and was being held hostage again. And the bad guys ripped off my arms and legs and then drenched me in gasoline and lit me on fire and i burned to death.

Last night I also had a dream that someone came up and chopped my leg of with a sword. Heh, at least i didnt die in this one. lol

I dont understand why ive been having these dreams... im not depressed, im actually feeling much better now than i have for a long time.

Rise Against

Well-known member
I had another weird dream last night but i forgot what happened. Im taking lexapro so maybe that is making my have screwed up dreams... i guess i dont really mind them, they're kind of like watching scary movies, except a lot more scary lol.

Rise Against

Well-known member
I had another weird dream last night... i was sledding with some friends and somehow i fell into a river and got eaten alive by giant hermit crabs, lol.


Personal question,but have you even seen somthing which has maybe affected you?Such as a bad accident.I get very vivid dreams which arnt pleasant because ive seen some stuff i wish i hadnt.

And meds can definatley make them worse.Try not to watch tv or stay on the computer too long before you go bed...this can over stimulate your brain i think and make your dreams worse,also stay away from horror movies and the such as obviously they can be a trigger,they are for me anyway :)