Dating question...

I just found out I have SA, I knew something was wrong just didn't know it had a name. I just started reading "Painfully Shy" (pretty good book so far) and I'm trying to learn to accept myself as who I am instead of who I think others want me to be. Anyway, a friend from work said something about setting me up w/a girl she knows. I was feeling really good up until that point, then my stomach just dropped thinking about going out on a blind date. My question is do you think I should say thanks but no thanks until I feel more comfortable w/myself or should I just suck it up and risk possibly taking a step back?


Well-known member
thats is a question only you can answer. everyones SA is different. some get anxiety in situations others dont and vice versa. if you feel that your SA will get in the way then you should probably not go. if you want to get some experience on dating then its a good idea to go if you feel comfortable about it. this is a difficult question to answer, especially for you


Well-known member
i say go and some tips:

-remember, she's JUST as worried about you as you are about her.

-you win some you loose some, if it doesn't work out, brush it off your shoulders, you've got plenty of other opportunities in the future

-have FUN - if she's agreed to go on the date with you, that means she really wants to get to know YOU, don't be afraid to be yourself, and even if you are shy and closed off at first, everyone is that way, or at least it's not uncommon, she's not going to think you're a freak. i've been on blind dates before with guys i could tell were nervous, and i took that into account (not to say that i'm super wanted, or that i'm the perfect woman or any of that jazz, just a POV from me, as a chick) - if they were shy on the first date, and felt like i wanted to know more, i wouldn't go running in the other direction.

-relax!!! i know it's hard, but when you're there talking to anyone, chick, boss, family, friends, strangers, look at them and say to yourself "what do they have that i don't?" NOTHING - you can be just as confident as them and maybe they're worrying about what you think of them as much as you are?

annnyway, even if you don't go, these tips can be used just about anywhere :D but i do hope you go and have a good time dammit :D

good luck


Well-known member
I would never be able to go thru with that...its would be a terrifying ordeal! But if you can do it then best of luck and i hope you find something special with this person


Well-known member
shipost said:
Do people even go on dates in UK... its always sounded a US thing to me..

This is an interesting question. I just looked up the verb "to date" on my dictionary, and it says the expression "to date someone" is mainly used in american english, so it seems that you are right Shipost, it must be one of those expressions that entered british vocaboulary through american movies or television. Don't give up, people of Albion, keep the *real* english alive! :)

As for the action that corresponds to the word, my guess would be that americans date in a somewhat more "formal" way (a guy and a girl making a appointment in order to go to some precise place, with the clear and almost stated intention to evaluate each other in order to decide whether to start a relationship or not), while in Britain perhaps, as in the rest of europe, there is not such a clear dividing line between seeing each other for the sake of friendship (maybe with other friends around) or in the context of a relationship.

I'm italian, just for the record.


Well-known member
dating is just a term(witch i know nothing about)people use, it does not always mean formal its usually said the first few times people go out