Dating advice


Well-known member
ok. young guys perspective here. australian no less :lol:

first .. i think that you are going to give him the message that your not interested and lose him if you dont make a move soon.

second .. i think its fantastic that you have been open with him and told him that your shy and this kind of jazz. Not that he probly cant see that for himself .. but its good that you were open with him. The relationship between the 2 of you atm must be that little bit more comfortable now in a way ya know .. ?

he sounds like an ok kinda guy too me. babe we all gotta take chances .. otherwise we dont get anywere with anything. This sounds like you have a good opportunity .. give it a chance. Agree to something not too major .. maybe go out for coffee or something.

I dont recomend a movie. Theres too much silence .. and if your paranoid about yourself you have too much time to "mind fuck".

Be brave, try and stay relaxed, and go for it.

if you need anymore "whats this bloke thinking" advice .. post here :lol:

i havnt read your story yet .. hope i havnt said anything offensive. good luck :D


Well-known member
with the "i need time" comment though ... i mean that definetly translates as "im not interested" for me.

however hehe .. this could be a good thing

because if you make a move now and agree to see him .. he will get the message that you ARE interested .. however .. you are rather indifferent. This means he will respect you more, less likely to take you for granted .. cause he knows that if he makes a wrong move your not gonna hesitate to drop him.

so.. will have whats referred to as the "upper hand" congratulations ! :lol:


Well-known member
alias girl i so relate to that.

in a business environment iv got lots of snappy wit, plenty of laughs and that kinda thing. Then socially .. i can often struggle because its on a personal level now .. its hard to explain .. but i dont have to explain sounds like you know what im talking about :lol:

im just learning slowly .. and the way im learning is by being brave and going out with my friends places .. and just watching .. learning .. and practicing :D


Well-known member
tommy_15 said:
alias girl i so relate to that.

in a business environment iv got lots of snappy wit, plenty of laughs and that kinda thing. Then socially .. i can often struggle because its on a personal level now .. its hard to explain .. but i dont have to explain sounds like you know what im talking about :lol:

im just learning slowly .. and the way im learning is by being brave and going out with my friends places .. and just watching .. learning .. and practicing :D

Snap,same probs at work,but i think it's the fact that there's no pressure to talk for long periods and you can just have short conversations about work,etc.but in a social setting it's real hard,as u have to sustain a conversation for longer periods and the more u try the more it just seems to dry can be hell on earth.I wonder if there are worthwhile courses that can improve your comminication skills in social settings?


Well-known member
:lol: @ lilmisstragic

umm i dunno guest.

i found one thing is to be yourself .. its sounds cliche' but damn its true !

i am soo improving with this. its amazing you know how much you have to talk about, and how many people you can converse with .. when your just bieng plain ol tommy (or insert name here :lol: )

the only reason i can now do what im saying above ... is because iv got enough confidence now to not give a shit if people dont like me or dont get along with me .. iv learned that little bit of aggression and aloofness i guess