

Well-known member
Is anyone else here like me and go through SA cycles?

Summer is almost over and I'll be going back to school on Sept. 7th. I'm very excited. Why? Because I get to start over fresh. New classes, new people, new teachers, new homework...etc. I get super pumped up and set high expectations for myself. I end up going to college (this happens every year) like a social butterfly. I talk to the teachers, make my presence known, introduce myself to everyone, answer questions in class, walk through the halls with my head held high and act like I own the place. Then after a week or so I start to slip. I stop talking to all but one or two people (if that) in my classes and even try to avoid some of them.

Slowly but surely everything I hoped to achieve at the start of the school year goes out the window and I spend the rest of the time waiting for summer to save me. Then summer comes around and the same thing happens. I have dreams of going on vacation, meeting a bunch of interesting people, possibly meeting a really cute guy while hiking...etc. Of course, doesn't end up happening. I end up ignoring all the potentially interesting people I see because it's just easier and less stressful to be alone with my one or two friends that I feel comfortable with.

But yeah...Basically I'm a social butterfly for two or 3 weeks out of the entire year and then a social outcast for the rest! Any of you the same way?