Cures for forehead sweat


New member

I have a problem with forehead sweating which is connected to anxiety. As once I realise I am sweating I panic which means I sweat more.

I have tried using Odaban with limited success. I was wondering whether there are any other products which can help?

I live in the UK so I am looking for products which can be brought there or at least easily imported.

Thanks in advance for any help :)


Well-known member

I have the same problem and have posted many threads on the subject if you care to look.

3 things come to mind that may help.

1) Secure Wipes - sold at . These are a topical medication that you wipe across your forehead. They come at 1% all the way through to 4% and have had limited success for me but has done very well for others.

2) If anxiety is the issue then the drug called propanalol, a beta blocker, may help, see your doctor to be sure.

3) Probanthine is a pill that I have used for 2 years with good success. I only use it when needed, perhaps 4-6 times a month, you have to take it on a empty stomach 45 minutes before you want to be dry and it works for up to 4 hours at a time. It has the side effects of a dry mouth and sometimes dry eyes but overall it works perfectly for me. It is available on prescription from your UK GP.

Beyond these things, then fitness and diet come into play, but I have discovered that you sweat no matter how fit you are .....

Good Luck,



New member
hi, new to this site but just wanted to share my experiences.

I have suffered from excess sweating for years and started using mitchum which up until now has helped with my underarm sweating but two years down the line is not as effective.

To deal with my facial sweating I have had botox twice but at over £300 is not the cheapest option. The last two weeks were nothing short of stress, embarrassment and lateness (I always have to miss the train, lift etc to cool down) I ordered facial wipes and Sweat Stop facial lotion.

The facial wipes are yet to arrive but the lotion came straight away (i missed the delivery being at work) I collected it today and applied it straight away and could not believe the difference!

Apart from the white line that I was told I had on my forehead by someone on the train I was literaly sweat free. I walked home after work approx ten hours later and still didn't have the sweat I experience with the journey and then the sweatrush when I go throught the front door!

Its still only day one but I am positive - im praying that it wont irritate my skin and will be applying it after i wash my face tonight

I think you can you use it on your hands but with constant washing Im not sure how effective it would be - you may want to apply it over night


I have a problem with forehead sweating which is connected to anxiety. As once I realise I am sweating I panic which means I sweat more.

I have tried using Odaban with limited success. I was wondering whether there are any other products which can help?

I live in the UK so I am looking for products which can be brought there or at least easily imported.

Thanks in advance for any help :)[/quote]