
Hey everyone,
So I have a crush on one of my co-workers! We have a blast every time we work together. We mess around and joke with each other and I'm always excited to work with him. I never can wait to go to work next so I Can see him. I don't know how he feels about me but I'm afraid to go more into than a friendship because if he doesn't like me more than a friend Then it would just be a little awkard working together.
I need some advice on how to tell if he likes me or is just being friendly.
are you able to tell if he's attitude is flirty or just very friendly?

maybe you didn't pay attention because you are always excited.

if you don't think he's flirting you should just try to be flirty yourself and/or propose for an activity outside of your job.

also, do you know something about what kind of girls he likes? does he have a gf?
I'm not exactly sure what kind of girls he likes or if he has a girlfriend.. We've only known each other for about a month and a half.