creativness and depression???


Well-known member
Hi, I myself am a very creative person, I basically live for music and art. I make my own music and love to draw.
A few weeks ago I felt really really down and ended up bursting into tears in front of my mum because I felt I couldn't cope with the stresses of life concerning my SA and mood dissorder.
Anyway my mum is very understanding and knows about my problem and she always makes a reall efort to try and make me feel better which I am extremely grateful for as I know not every1 has someone there like that :cry:
My ex-girlfriend used to tell me to never forget what a beutiful caring person I am but unfortunatly I don't see that myself, people often say what I nice and likable person I am, but thats probably because I keep my mouth shut and try not to offend any1 which means I am not really expressing myself anyway!!
Sorry I got sidetracked for a minute :)

Anyway my mum said to me that I'm more suseptable to depression and stress because of my creativeness which does actually make sense and I've been reading up on this and it is actually a fact that artist and musicians seem to have a higher percentage of depression than others.

It would be interesting to see how many other creative people use this site to proove this notion.

So please, I'de also love to hear what you do wether it be poetry, music, art etc........

Nice 1




Well-known member
Hey Den1 :)
Im also into art, studied it at uni and am tryin to get those juices goin again!
Interestin viewpoint I think I can relate however I dont think it applies to
everyone who is creative! Different factors apply to most situations.
I was well creative before I started showin signs of SA. I mean COMPLETELY
different to what I am now. I was involved in all manner of exhibitions /
indi film work etc etc. Then when SA reared its ugly head I began to get panicky /
fearful / frustrated and as a result my participation and ultimately my artistic outflo
declined :( In fact this thread reminds me of a guy who was in some of our early
exhibs who showed signs of what I now know to be SA. His art suffered coz he
took drugs recreationally and in order to influence his work. Near to the 3rd exhib
he just didnt have anything new to display because he had hit this lull.
Some ppl said that he just lost what he had but I dont buy that,
creativity cant be lost imo it can only be delayed :)


Well-known member
Hiya mate, yes I totally agree with you although I wasn't saying that ALL creative people have mental issues, it's just from what I've read that a higher percentage of creative people suffer with mental problems.

Also I think creative people are born creative, well I've been doing art and music since as long as I can remember, and you do defo have creative dips and at the same time creativness cannot be forced.

I think maybe I have always had social problems only with people I dont know but it only became a problem when I left school and got out into the real world which can be quite tough as you have to deal with the problem in everyday life meeting new people all the time.

I seem to be very up and down alot of the time even in the space of one day.

I can wake up in the morning feeling extremely stressed and worried without knowing why and then I might feel energetic and happy all afternoon and then I will feel exausted and lifeless in the evening like I am tired from being upbeat all day.


Active member
I agree. When I am really depressed and feel horrible, I can come up with poetry and art and music that I cannot when I am in a good mood. I guess when we are feeling very sad, we need to express those feelings more than when we feel happy, and since something that is creative is often expressing a feeling or thought, if we need to express more when sad, we will also end up being more creative as well. Unfortunately, I love what I make when I am at my creative best, but being that depressed is not fun at all. Kind of a sticky situation. :(


Well-known member
den1 said:
I think maybe I have always had social problems only with people I dont know but it only became a problem when I left school and got out into the real world which can be quite tough as you have to deal with the problem in everyday life meeting new people all the time.

I seem to be very up and down alot of the time even in the space of one day.

I can wake up in the morning feeling extremely stressed and worried without knowing why and then I might feel energetic and happy all afternoon and then I will feel exausted and lifeless in the evening like I am tired from being upbeat all day.

Yeh I know what you mean! Same applies to my situation.
Nowadays I plan my excursions into the outside world -
from A to B with as little exposure as possible.

the mornings is also a pretty sh*tty time for me too (but isnt it 4
everyone?!) :p ) Dont know if it helps but I drink loads of Green Tea
- it helps me to calm down from worrying too much abt the day ahead.