CRAZY personality test given at job interview... weird


Well-known member
Okay, so I am planning on leaving my 2 part-time jobs so that I can get a full-time job with benefits. I've actually told both employers I am leaving at the end of August, so I need a new job, sooner the better.

I love animals, so I was very happy and excited to get an interview for a Client Care Specialist position at a veterinary hospital.

Just had the interview today. Of course I was nervous as hell and I felt like I did SO badly (not enough eye contact was my big problem I think), but the woman who interviewed me seemed to like me and asked me to come back for a "working interview." Basically she wants me to work a shift on Saturday and her and another teammate will observe me working. If I actually get the job, I'll be the only guy there which is kind of weird for me, but I guess kind of good in a way, but still... weird.

I forgot to take out my tongue piercing and she said, "By the way we have a policy against piercings here." I noticed she had her ears pierced and was going to say something smart-assish but decided it wasn't the best time, so I just said, "Oh okay." I wondered if I blushed when she pointed it out. I don't think I did, thankfully. So there's that little bit of weirdness.

Then I was asked to write a short essay outlining how I feel about animals being used for research. I briefly thought about what they might want to hear, but then I was like "ah screw it," and I wrote my exact feelings on the subject. It felt good, even though I thought it was, again, somewhat weird.

Anyway, here's where it gets REALLY weird...

She then asks me if I have time to do a follow-up personality test that is 200 questions long. I say fine. She gives me the test and leaves me alone. I open it up, and it is all questions that totally remind me of my SP!!!

Questions like:

Do you sometimes feel people are laughing at you or talking about you behind your back?

Does your voice vary in pitch or is it one monotonous tone?

Do you dwell on past negative experiences with colleagues?

Do you feel comfortable initiating a conversation?

If you lost something, would you immediately think that your co-worker stole it?


Of course some were strictly work-related ones, like "Do you have trouble seeing tasks through to completion?" or "Do you enjoy a challenge?" but some were just outright strange. Another one I remember was: "Would you say your facial expressions vary frequently, or do you tend to hold the same facial expression for a long period of time?"

what. the. fuck?

The position is by no means a "hardcore" one. Like, it pays 12 bucks an hour for cod's sake. I'll just be greeting customers, answering phones and typing on a computer. I have the computer skills, and the rest of it I imagine would be "Hi how are you? Nice to see you, what a cute dog, Doctor Smith will see you now..." the end!

Like what is with the intensely personal and bizarre quiz?

I'm supposed to go back Saturday but that quiz really rattled me. It feels like now I will be judged on everything I feared being judged on. The tone of my voice, my conversational skills with co-workers, my fuckin facial expression!

What should I do?

I realize I could always take the job and then just leave later on, but I hate the whole resignation process, very nerve-wracking.

Should I just look for another job and tell the vet people I've been offered something else?

I would almost rather prefer a job like a call centre or factory where I can just be left alone for the most part, an absentee boss job, so to speak. But I need money now, and I like the idea of working with animals.

Now all these thoughts are going through my head of them judging me, fear of messing up, blushing, etc.



Well-known member
Sounds like the tpye of job I would love to do.
12 bux an hour ? thats ridiculas! Must be from america!
Did you answer truthfully in the personality test thing ?
I wouldnt worry about it if there a proffesional outfit then the only person seing the test would be the one who gave it to you I presume ?
At least give it a shot coz it sounds like a kick arse job!


Well-known member
Lexmark said:
Sounds like the tpye of job I would love to do.
12 bux an hour ? thats ridiculas! Must be from america!
Did you answer truthfully in the personality test thing ?
I wouldnt worry about it if there a proffesional outfit then the only person seing the test would be the one who gave it to you I presume ?
At least give it a shot coz it sounds like a kick arse job!

lol i chickened out.

just called them and told them i'm passing on it.

i'm such a douche.

actually, i am from canada. is 12 bux an hour ridiculous good or ridiculous bad? where do you live?